Roger Burkhard
Development + Interaction Design
Bern, Switzerland
Profile Projects Journal E-Mail Instagram
104. Aargauer Kunsthaus 103. Kornhaus Atelier 102. Wirk 101. SWB 100. Gurtenfestival '24 099. HKB-Zeitung 098. Zirkular 097. Zollfreilager 096. Gurtenfestival '23 095. Theater Marie 094. Fotostiftung Schweiz 093. Regula Küffer 092. Max Hari 091. Kornhausforum 090. Vreni Spieser 089. Splatz Space 088. Gurtenfestival '22 087. Biel/Bienne Festival of photography 086. Chiara Marti 085. Nigg Raffainer 084. Kunstmuseum Thun 083. Staunen im Kinderbuch 082. Architetta 082. T7M 081. Jazz Unleashed 080. Urs Brunner 079. Janosch Abel 078. Pfeffer/Verbeek 077. Taking Measures 076. Luna Productions 075. The Comfort of Books 074. Jan Kinsbergen 073. Kinderregion 072. Stadtgalerie 071. La Stoll 070. Hocus & Pocus 069. LocherPilz 068. Studio Mo 067. OpaqueScript 066. Fundazium Nairs 065. Rea Wittwer 064. Kulturdünger 063. Moobel 061. Kraftreaktor 060. Fundaziun Nairs 059. Gurtenfestival '19 058. Visarte 057. Swica Report '18 056. NOLD Skateboards 055. Pia Fleischmann 055. Iyengar 054. Zimmermann Architects 053. Junge Bühne Bern 052. Wir sind Artisten 051. Studio Sansano 050. Swica Report '17 049. Ladies Wine Design 048. moor.text 047. Frame Optik 046. ISC Club 045. PAMB 044. Lunar Tribute 043. SAJ Architects 042. Daniel Steffen 041. A2 Letter 040. Thomas Stöckli 039. Züri West 038. Kleinstadt 037. Hotel Fusio 036. Foundation Paul Boesch 035. Lea Moser 034. Echtzeit Verlag 033. La Stanza 032. Atelier Pol 031. Maurer AG 030. Büro A+O 029. (Team) Alexis Zurflüh 028. Michael Sieber 027. Len Sander 026. Mood/Wood 025. Parc Architekten 024. Weltrekords 023. Aarauer Altstadtlauf 022. Sunraising 021. Baukommunikation 020. Dreierlei 019. Bilboquet 018. We Love Aarau 017. Swiss Red Cross 016. Olmo 015. Kolt Magazine 014. Via Helvetica 013. TSRI 012. Go Snow 011. Frères Rochat 010. Lukas Film 009. Weinberg 008. PRPA 007. Kaufhaus zum Glück 006. Strebel 005. Adrianos 004. Roger is OFF 003. Regula Roost 002. Beldona 001. Station
Aargauer Kunsthaus
Aargauer Kunsthaus
Website für das Aargauer Kunsthaus (2024)
Kollaboration mit Atlas Studio
Kornhaus Atelier
Kornhaus Atelier
Portfolio for Kornhaus Atelier. (2024)
Collaboration with Kornhaus Atelier.
Website for Wirk. (2024)
Collaboration with Kornhaus Atelier.
Website for Schweizerischen Werkbund (2024)
Collaboration with Bonsma & Reist
Gurtenfestival ’24
Gurtenfestival '24
Website für das Gurtenfestival. (2024)
Kollaboration mit Salzmann Gertsch + Studio Voile.
Website für die HKB-Zeitung. (2024)
Kollaboration mit HKB Atelier.
Website for Zirkular (2024)
Collaboration with Atlas Studio
Website for an online Magazine. (2023)
Collaboration with Atlas Studio.
Gurtenfestival ’23
Gurtenfestival '23
Website for Gurtenfestival 2023. (2023)
Collaboration with Kargo.
Theater Marie
Theater Marie
Website for Theater Marie. (2023)
Collaboration with Büro a+o.
Fotostiftung Schweiz
Fotostiftung Schweiz
Website for Fotostiftung Schweiz. (2023)
Collaboration with Müller+Hess.
Regula Küffer
Regula Küffer
Website for Musician Regula Küffer (2023)
Collaboration with Kornhaus Atelier
Max Hari
Max Hari
Portfolio for Painter Max Hari. (2022)
Collaboration with Roland Zenger.
Website for Exhibition Space Kornhausforum. (2022)
Collaboration with Atelier Pol.
Vreni Spieser
Vreni Spieser
Website for the artist Vreni Spieser. (2022)
Collaboration with Atlas Studio.
Splatz Space
Splatz Space
Website für einen Musik Blog. (2022)
Kollaboration mit Katharina Reidy.
Gurtenfestival ’22
Gurtenfestival '22
Website the bernese music festival. (2022)
Collaboration with Kargo.
Biel/Bienne Festival of photography
Biel/Bienne Festival of photography
Website a festival of photography. (2022)
Collaboration with Bonsma & Reist.
Chiara Marti
Chiara Marti
Website for Chiara Marti. (2022)
Collaboration with Kornhaus Atelier.
Nigg Raffainer
Nigg Raffainer
Portfolio for Architects Nigg Raffainer. (2022)
Collaboration with Atlas Studio.
Kunstmuseum Thun
Kunstmuseum Thun
Website for the art museum in Thun. (2022)
Collaboration with Bonsma & Reist.
Staunen im Kinderbuch
Staunen im Kinderbuch
Website for an Online Exhibition (2021)
Collaboration with Resort Studio.
Portfolio for Architects Architetta (2021)
Collaboration with Heyday.
Blog for The 7 Memories. (2021)
Collaboration with Büro a+o.
Jazz Unleashed
Jazz Unleashed
Website for a Jazz Festival. (2021)
Collaboration with Katharina Reidy.
Urs Brunner
Urs Brunner
Portfolio Website for Illustrator Urs Brunner. (2021)
Collaboration with Roland Zenger.
Janosch Abel
Janosch Abel
Portfolio for Janosch Abel. (2021)
Collaboration with Salzmann Gertsch.
Website for Fashion Label PfefferVerbeek (2021)
Collaboration with Pia Fleischmann
Taking Measures
Taking Measures
Website for digital exhibition Taking Measures. (2021)
Collaboration with Resort Studio.
Luna Productions
Luna Productions
Website for architects Luna Productions. (2020)
Collaboration with Atelier Pol.
The Comfort of Books
The Comfort of Books
Website for the The Comfort of Books (2020)
Collaboration with Katharina Reidy.
Jan Kinsbergen
Jan Kinsbergen
Website for Büro Jan Kinsbergen. (2020)
Collaboration with Aline Ozkan
Website for Kinderregion. (2020)
Collaboration with CinCin.
Website for Stadtgalerie Bern. (2020)
Collaboration with Kornhaus Atelier.
La Stoll
La Stoll
Portfolio for La Stoll. (2020)
Collaboration with Andrea Noti.
Hocus & Pocus
Hocus & Pocus
Portfolio for Hocus & Pocus. (2020)
Collaboration with Hocus & Pocus.
Website for Architects Locher Pilz. (2020)
Collaboration with Claudia Eggimann.
Studio Mo
Studio Mo
Webshop for Studio Mo. (2020)
Collaboration with Kornhaus Atelier.
Indesign Script and Website for OpaqueScript (2020)
Collaboration with Bonsma Reist.
Fundazium Nairs
Fundazium Nairs
Website for Fundazium Nairs (2020)
Collaboration with Hej.
Rea Wittwer
Rea Wittwer
Portfolio for copywriter Rea Wittwer. (2019)
Collaboration with Kornhaus Atelier.
Website for Kulturdünger. (2019)
Collaboration with Büro a+o.
Online Shop for Moobel. (2019)
Collaboration with Büro a+o.
Website for Kraftreaktor. (2019)
Collaboration with Büro a+o.
Fundaziun Nairs
Fundaziun Nairs
Single Page Website for Nairs. (2019)
Collaboration with Hej.
Gurtenfestival ’19
Gurtenfestival '19
Website for Gurtenfestival. (2019)
Collaboration with Kargo.
Website for Visarte. (2019)
Collaboration with Atelier Pol.
Swica Report ’18
Swica Report '18
Online Report Website for SWICA. (2019)
Collaboration with Hej.
NOLD Skateboards
NOLD Skateboards
Website for NOLD Skateboards. (2019)
Collaboration with Pia Fleischmann.
Pia Fleischmann
Pia Fleischmann
Portfolio for Graphic Designer Pia Fleischmann. (2019)
Collaboration with Pia Fleischmann.
Website for Iyengar Yoga Switzerland. (2018)
Collaboration with Claudia Eggimann.
Zimmermann Architects
Zimmermann Architects
Website for Zimmermann Architects. (2018)
Collaboration with Andrea Noti.
Junge Bühne Bern
Junge Bühne Bern
Website got Junge Bühne Bern. (2018)
Collaboration with B&R.
Wir sind Artisten
Wir sind Artisten
Portfolio Website for Wir Sind Artisten. (2018)
Collaboration with Alex Stieg.
Studio Sansano
Studio Sansano
Website for Studio Sansano. (2018)
Collaboration with Atelier Pol.
Swica Report ’17
Swica Report '17
Online Report Website for SWICA. (2018)
Collaboration with Hej.
Ladies Wine Design
Ladies Wine Design
Website for Ladies Wine Design. (2018)
Collaboration with Sagmeister & Walsh.
Website for moor.text. (2018)
Collaboration with Büro A+O.
Frame Optik
Frame Optik
Website for Frame Optik. (2017)
Collaboration with Manuel Kreuzer.
ISC Club
ISC Club
Website for ISC Club. (2017)
Collaboration with Team Tandem.
Website for the Fashio Label PAMB. (2017)
Collaboration with Pascal Melcer.
Lunar Tribute
Lunar Tribute
Website for Lunar Tribute. (2017)
Collaboration with Andreas Räber.
SAJ Architects
SAJ Architects
Website for SAJ Architects. (2017)
Collaboration with Heyday.
Daniel Steffen
Daniel Steffen
Portfolio for Art Director Daniel Steffen. (2017)
Collaboration with Daniel Steffen.
A2 Letter
A2 Letter
Website for A2 Letter. (2017)
Collaboration with Atelier Pol.
Thomas Stöckli
Thomas Stöckli
Website for the photographer Thomas Stöckli. (2017)
Collaboration with Anne Lutz.
Züri West
Züri West
Website for Züri West. (2017)
Collaboration with Kargo Kommunikation.
Website for the family Blog Kleinstadt. (2017)
Collaboration with CinCin Studio.
Hotel Fusio
Hotel Fusio
Website for Hotel Fusio. (2017)
Collaboration with Hej, Zürich.
Foundation Paul Boesch
Foundation Paul Boesch
Website for Paul Boesch Stiftung. (2017)
Collaboration with Atelier Pol.
Lea Moser
Lea Moser
Portfolio Website for the photographer Lea Moser. (2017)
Collaboration with Atelier Pol.
Echtzeit Verlag
Echtzeit Verlag
Website and ERP for the publishing house Echtzeit. (2016-2017)
Collaboration with Müller+Hess, Basel.
La Stanza
La Stanza
Multipage für La Stanza. (2016)
Collaboration with Noord.
Atelier Pol
Atelier Pol
Website for the graphic design agency Pol in Bern. (2016)
Collaboration with Atelier Pol.
Maurer AG
Maurer AG
Website for Maurer AG. (2016)
Collaboration with Büro A+O.
Büro A+O
Büro A+O
Website for the graphic designers Büro A+O. (2016)
Collaboration with Büro A+O.
(Team) Alexis Zurflüh
(Team) Alexis Zurflüh
Website for (Team) Alexis Zurflüh. (2016)
Collaboration with (Team) Alexis Zurflüh.
Michael Sieber
Michael Sieber
Portfolio Website for photographer Michael Sieber. (2016)
Collaboration with (Team) Alexis Zurflüh.
Len Sander
Len Sander
Website für die Elektro Pop Band Len Sander. (2016)
Kollaboration mit Dennis Schärer.
Portfolio for Art Director and Designer Marc Zenhäusern. (2016)
Collaboration with Marc Zenhäusern.
Parc Architekten
Parc Architekten
Website for Parc Architekten. (2016)
Collaboration with Denkmal Agentur.
Website for Weltrekords. (2016)
Collaboration with Atelier Pol.
Aarauer Altstadtlauf
Aarauer Altstadtlauf
Website for Aarauer Altstadtlauf. (2016)
Collaboration with Büro A+O.
Website for Sunraising. (2016)
Collaboration with Kargo Kommunikation.
Website for Baukommunikation. (2016)
Collaboration with Keen.
Website for Dreierlei. (2016)
Collaboration with Marc Zenhäusern + Evelyn Schneider Reyes.
Online Shop for Bilboquet. (2016)
Collaboration with Kargo Kommunikation.
We Love Aarau
We Love Aarau
Website for We Love Aarau. (2016)
Collaboration with Büro A+O.
Swiss Red Cross
Swiss Red Cross
Single Page App for Swiss Red Cross. (2015-2016)
Cooperation with Kargo Kommunikation.
Website for OLMO. (2015)
Collaboration mit Kargo Kommunikation.
Kolt Magazine
Kolt Magazine
Website for the swiss culture magazin KOLT. (2015)
Collaboration with Verlag 2s.
Via Helvetica
Via Helvetica
Website for Via Helvetica. (2015)
Collaboration with Thomas + Anne.
Perfomance Optimization for tsri. (2015)
Collaboration with Simon Jacoby.
Go Snow
Go Snow
Website for Go Snow. (2015)
Collaboration with Kargo Kommunikation.
Frères Rochat
Frères Rochat
Website Frères Rochat. (2015)
Collaboration with Kargo Kommunikation.
Lukas Film
Lukas Film
Website for Lukas Gähwiler. (2015)
Collaboration with Büro A+O.
Website for Weinberg. (2015)
Cooperation with Attribute, Zurich.
Website for PRPA. (2015)
Collaboration with Kargo Kommunikation.
Kaufhaus zum Glück
Kaufhaus zum Glück
Online Shop for Kaufhaus zum Glück. (2015)
Collaboration with Büro A+O.
Blog for Strebel Möbelhaus. (2015)
Collaboration with Büro A+O.
Coffee Configurator for Adrianos. (2015)
Collaboration with Kargo Kommunikation.
Roger is OFF
Roger is OFF
Travel Blog for my Around the World Trip. (2013 - 2014)
430 Days on the road.
Regula Roost
Regula Roost
Website for photographer Regula Roost. (2013)
Collaboration with Station, Zurich.
Website for Beldona. (2013)
Collaboration with Station.
Website for Station. (2013)
Collaboration with Station, Zurich.

Aargauer Kunsthaus.


The Aargauer Kunsthaus is a Swiss art museum located in Aarau. Due to its extensive collection of Swiss art from the 18th century to the present, as well as a nationally and internationally oriented exhibition program, it ranks among the most important art museums. The Aargauer Kunsthaus is supported by the Canton of Aargau and the Aargau Art Association.

In collaboration with Atlas Studio, I developed the Kunsthaus’s new website. Content editors have access to approximately 15 components and 8 templates in the WordPress backend, allowing them to deploy content easily and flexibly. An interface to the museum software M+ synchronizes data with the website, delivering a tailored experience in the online catalog. All artworks in the collection can also be seamlessly integrated into exhibitions, agenda, and content pages. The site is also bilingual, and valuable ideas, input, and testing were provided by the Inclusion Project Group to ensure the website is as accessible as possible.

Special thanks go to Benjamin Tschopp, Tomaz Gnuz, the Inclusion Group, Claudio und Jonas.

Aargauer Kunsthaus
Aargauer Kunsthaus
Aargauer Kunsthaus
Aargauer Kunsthaus
Aargauer Kunsthaus
Aargauer Kunsthaus
Aargauer Kunsthaus
Aargauer Kunsthaus
Aargauer Kunsthaus
Aargauer Kunsthaus
Aargauer Kunsthaus
Aargauer Kunsthaus
Aargauer Kunsthaus
Aargauer Kunsthaus
Aargauer Kunsthaus
Aargauer Kunsthaus
Aargauer Kunsthaus
Aargauer Kunsthaus
Aargauer Kunsthaus
Aargauer Kunsthaus
Aargauer Kunsthaus
Aargauer Kunsthaus
Aargauer Kunsthaus

Kornhaus Atelier.


Kornhaus Atelier is a creative agency based in Bern, specializing in art direction, design, and production across all platforms. They are creating clear visuals, authentic identities, valuable publications, and holistic communication concepts.

In collaboration with Kornhaus Atelier I developed the new Website. The cases have image and video stacks which can be positioned in multiple directions and order. Additionally there is an Intro animation which shows randomly logo versions or visuals with a Multiply Effect.

Kornhaus Atelier
Kornhaus Atelier
Kornhaus Atelier
Kornhaus Atelier



Wirk believes that people will be happier and this world a better place if we turn to each other and take an interest. Every movement, every encounter, can be dance. A dance that everyone can do and knows.

In collaboration with Kornhaus Atelier, I developed the new website for Wirk. To transport the concept of dance and movement to the web, I developed with JavaScript a function to move, change and let the logo of the homepage dance as you like.




Founded in 1913, the Swiss Werkbund is a national association that unites members from the design and craft trades. It deals with key issues in terms of design, culture, society, aesthetics and economics.

I developed the new website in collaboration with Bonsma & Reist. The comprehensive website is managed by 7 regions in 2 languages and offers a portal with news and events as well as a member area, entries from the regions and a magazine called Werkbrief. Content can be created and edited independently by the SWB on the basis of components.


Gurtenfestival '24.


In Zusammenarbeit mit Gurtenfestival, Salzmann Gertsch und Studio Voile entwickelte ich die neue Gurtenfestival Website 2024. Ich freue mich, bereits zum 6. Mal Teil des Teams zu sein und die Möglichkeiten der Website jedes Jahr zu pushen.

Die Website wurde dieses Jahr komplett überarbeitet und hat ein Showreel, umfangreiche Programm-Ansichten, Filterungen und Suchfunktionen, eine neu gedachte Info-Sektion, Ticketseite, News, Anzeige von History Daten und eine my Lineup Funktionalität.

Gurtenfestival '24
Gurtenfestival '24
Gurtenfestival '24
Gurtenfestival '24
Gurtenfestival '24
Gurtenfestival '24
Gurtenfestival '24
Gurtenfestival '24
Gurtenfestival '24
Gurtenfestival '24
Gurtenfestival '24
Gurtenfestival '24
Gurtenfestival '24
Gurtenfestival '24
Gurtenfestival '24
Gurtenfestival '24
Gurtenfestival '24
Gurtenfestival '24
Gurtenfestival '24



The HKB newspaper is dedicated entirely to culture, published quarterly, and maintains editorial independence. In the first section, it highlights a specific theme, and in the second, it offers a behind-the-scenes look at the Bern University of the Arts HKB.

In collaboration with the HKB Atelier, the in-house graphic design studio of the university, I developed the digital version of the newspaper. We worked closely to define templates and components that provide the editorial team with the flexibility needed for article creation. Covers can also feature image-in-image or image-in-video displays. The site includes a smart display of related posts and an extensive archive with filtering and search capabilities. It is based on WordPress and is independently managed by the editorial team.




Anyone who wants to build in a truly sustainable and climate-friendly way today must focus on the concept of the circular economy and understand construction as a cycle. Demolition projects play a central role here, as many of these buildings are veritable treasure troves of reusable components such as windows, load-bearing structures or façade cladding.

Zirkular aims to make the reuse of building components the standard in the Swiss construction industry. The aim of the specialist planning office is to raise awareness of circular construction among industry players, lower inhibitions and ensure the transfer of knowledge. Advice and practical services such as software-supported matching between components of demolished buildings and new properties make it easier for architects to plan with the concept of reuse.

In collaboration with Zurich-based graphic design studio Atlas Studio I developed the new Zirkular website. In the sense of a cycle, the user moves horizontally through the pages, navigation points are turned around and different projects are combined into one on the start page. Based on WordPress, the website is bilingual and optimized for performance in the frontend with prefetching.




Zollfreilager is an internet magazine of the platform Kulturpublizistik of the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHDK) and has been public since July 7, 2014. The magazine uses journalistic, reflective and artistic-experimental formats to highlight phenomena around culture, art and migration. Contributors include students and lecturers of the ZHDK’s Master in Cultural Journalism as well as a network of correspondents, collaborators and accomplices from all continents and disciplines.

In collaboration with Atlas Studio, I developed the magazine’s new website. The content of the soon-to-be 10-year-old website was migrated into a new structure, rethought, otpmized, and a variable cover was added to the special edition format. Various search and filter functions have been added to the comprehensive database, making the content more accessible. Different text and image formats are also available to authors to choose the right vessel for each content.


Gurtenfestival '23.


This year around 80,000 music fans made the pilgrimage to the legendary Gurten Festival for the 40th time. A promising line-up, a relaxed atmosphere and a beautiful mountain panorama await on Bern’s local mountain.

I developed the website for the fourth time and ensure its operation during the festival. For this year we optimized the MyLineup function, which allows for customized lineups. I also developed the colored background based on shaders, new fonts were integrated and a new lottie file was integrated. Happy Birthday dear Gurten Festival!

Gurtenfestival '23
Gurtenfestival '23
Gurtenfestival '23
Gurtenfestival '23
Gurtenfestival '23
Gurtenfestival '23
Gurtenfestival '23

Theater Marie.


Theater Marie takes on a special function within the Swiss theater scene: a theater that produces independently in the clear cultural landscape of Aargau and then spreads out throughout Switzerland, and occasionally abroad, thus always bringing input home to stay alive and relevant. Theater Marie explores current social issues, which find expression in contemporary authors as well as in participatory research formats.

In collaboration with Aarau based Büro a+o I developed the theater’s new website. The central design element is the squeeze effect of the main titles, which change its squeeze based on coordinates of the scroll. The heart of content centerpiece is the Agenda with all it’s projects, current and archived, which the theater manages independently via WordPress.

Theater Marie
Theater Marie
Theater Marie
Theater Marie
Theater Marie
Theater Marie
Theater Marie
Theater Marie

Fotostiftung Schweiz.


Fotostiftung Schweiz, founded in 1971, is a non-profit foundation under private law that is committed to the preservation, research and communication of photographic works. It primarily collects photographic works related to Switzerland, from the beginnings of photography to the present. It considers artistic forms of expression as well as documentary, applied and private forms of photography.

In collaboration with Müller+Hess I developed the new website of the foundation. With a variety of components and templates, they can independently create and manage multilingual content. Several interfaces are integrated: on the one hand the image database, which contains over 30’000 digitized photographs, and on the other hand the events and products of the online store, which originate from a shared tool with the Fotomuseum. A customized version of WooCommerce was used as the store system.

Fotostiftung Schweiz
Fotostiftung Schweiz
Fotostiftung Schweiz
Fotostiftung Schweiz
Fotostiftung Schweiz
Fotostiftung Schweiz
Fotostiftung Schweiz
Fotostiftung Schweiz
Fotostiftung Schweiz
Fotostiftung Schweiz
Fotostiftung Schweiz

Regula Küffer.


Originally trained as a classical flutist, Regula Küffer is today one of the few flutists who move naturally between classical music, jazz, flamenco and pop. She exposes the usual divisions between the genres as constructed; musical joy of discovery and a pronounced love of improvisation ignite at supposed boundaries.

In collaboration with Bern based graphic designers Kornhaus Atelier I developed Regula’s new website. Especially the creative coding allowed a lot of freedom and experimentation. With each page view, the geometric elements generate themselves anew, and thanks to an underlying physics engine the objects respond with gravity, momentum and collisions. In terms of content, the WordPress site provides the basis to present their extensive work in text and image form. She cancreate agenda entries or present current projects.

Regula Küffer
Regula Küffer
Regula Küffer
Regula Küffer
Regula Küffer

Max Hari.


The Thun-born artist Max Hari lives and works in Langenthal and Berlin. With his large-format paintings as well as in drawings and watercolors, the tension between the figurative and the non-representational is always evident.

In collaboration with the designer Roland Zenger I developed the new website of the artist. The focus is on the colorful paintings, which can be explored in a slideshow via drag and drop functionality. Minimalist in design, all other information like his biography, current exhibitions and archived content can be accessed on the wordpress based website.

Max Hari
Max Hari
Max Hari
Max Hari
Max Hari
Max Hari
Max Hari
Max Hari



Since its founding in 1998, the Kornhausforum, centrally located in Bern’s city center, has been the exhibition and discourse venue for socially relevant topics that are thought about and dealt with in an interdisciplinary way, starting from the fields of architecture, design, and photography. The Kornhausforum is a place of public participation and cultural encounter, the exhibitions and forums are accessible to a wide audience physically and digitally.

In collaboration with Atelier Pol I developed the new website for the Kornhausforum. Based on WordPress, we created a component-based design system that offers maximum flexibility in the creation of exhibitions and content pages. A customized research tool allows the creation of content clusters to better show context. The new Echo Space digital exhibition space provides digital artists a platform to showcase their work as a natural part of the web experience.


Vreni Spieser.


Vreni Spieser, born in Zug, lives and works in Zurich. She studied art and design, among others at the Zurich University of the Arts. Various stays abroad as an artist have taken her to Ghana, Halle (Saale), Paris, Buenos Aires, the Philippines and Japan. Vreni, who is active both locally and internationally, moves in the fields of installation, performance and community art.

In collaboration with Atlas Studio I developed the new portfolio website of the artist. Her work can be experienced on 2 levels, in a sense. On the one hand, there are Behind the Scenes shots of her work and travels in the background of the page, and in the foreground there is a listing of her work. With the use of blur effects, the layers can now be faded in and out. The interplay of image, blur and text creates an interesting and always new interplay of color and content.

Vreni Spieser
Vreni Spieser
Vreni Spieser
Vreni Spieser
Vreni Spieser
Vreni Spieser
Vreni Spieser

Splatz Space.


In collaboration with Katharina Reidy, Benedikt Sartorius and Meret Gschwend, we created the new platform splatz.space, which describes itself as a non-commercial text platform where ideas and work processes of people from different cultural disciplines and other professional fields are described with interviews and other text formats.

In a creative exchange during the concept phase the idea was born to give the interviewed people the possibility to draw what they like. And by now there is a small universe of drawings that come from musicians, visitors of the Bad Bonn Kilbi and from the pen of friends – from crazy to minimalistic each story is visually emphasized.

The colors mix every evening and give the website a new look every day. In addition, many tools have been created to discover the diverse content, to find it again or simply be inspired.

Splatz Space
Splatz Space
Splatz Space
Splatz Space
Splatz Space

Gurtenfestival '22.


In collaboration with Kargo I developed the new website for the Gurtenfestival 2022. The new visuals based on Lottie technology and the use of a variable font made my frontend heart beat faster. Additionally, the new functionality My-Lineup was created, which lets guests arrange their own lineup. The server served about 300’000 page views per day during the festival.

A special thank you goes to Nadine + Sam – your rock!

Gurtenfestival '22
Gurtenfestival '22
Gurtenfestival '22
Gurtenfestival '22
Gurtenfestival '22
Gurtenfestival '22

Biel/Bienne Festival of photography.


The Biel/Bienne Festival of photography celebrate contemporary photography. As the only annual photography festival in Switzerland and well rooted in the national cultural scene, the Bieler Fototage are increasingly present abroad. Every year in May, the works of about 20 Swiss and international photographers can be seen in well-known or unusual locations in the city of Biel.

In colloboration with the graphic designer duo Bonsma & Reist I developed the new website of the festival. According to the requirements of the festival and its long history, the site was divided into two sections: the current edition to discover events, exhibitions and locations, as well as an archive to discover the history and photographs for every edition. The site has 3 languages, a customized Google Maps integration, has an agenda and customizable color profiles per edition.

Biel/Bienne Festival of photography
Biel/Bienne Festival of photography
Biel/Bienne Festival of photography
Biel/Bienne Festival of photography
Biel/Bienne Festival of photography
Biel/Bienne Festival of photography
Biel/Bienne Festival of photography
Biel/Bienne Festival of photography
Biel/Bienne Festival of photography
Biel/Bienne Festival of photography
Biel/Bienne Festival of photography
Biel/Bienne Festival of photography
Biel/Bienne Festival of photography

Chiara Marti.


Chiara Marti advises and encourages people with questions about sexuality, intimacy, relationship and body experience. In her consultation, according to the concerns, body exercises are guided, knowledge is shared and thinking is reorganized in conversations.

In collaboration with Kornhaus Atelier I developed the minimalistic website, which encourages with bold Questions and shares the knowledge in an interactive way and with a touch of humor. As a feature we created an inverted cursor which mirrors the mouse movement and reacts to clicks. The website is based on WordPress and lets Chiara manage the content independently.

Chiara Marti
Chiara Marti
Chiara Marti
Chiara Marti

Nigg Raffainer.


In their daily work they deal with the designed environment. They are driven by the complexity of architectural projects and the design possibilities. The building task on site, the client and the user form synergies. Architects Nigg Raffainer develop their projects from the potential that these synergies provide.

In collaboration with Atlas Studio I developed the minimalist website for the architects. With the CSS based rotation effect the website gets a touch of 3D and in the about section the rotation becomes the rotation. Nigg Raffainer edit the content independently via WordPress.

Nigg Raffainer
Nigg Raffainer
Nigg Raffainer
Nigg Raffainer

Kunstmuseum Thun.


The Kunstmuseum Thun presents mainly contemporary art in four to five alternating exhibitions every year. In addition to thematically and monographically focused exhibitions, a collection exhibition is organised every year, which presents a part of the rich pool of artworks under a particular perspective. Art education has a permanent place in the museum: a broad portfolio overarching generations supports in the decoding of the language of art and leaves room for own interpretations.

In collaboration with Bern based graphic designers Bonsma & Reist I developed the new website of the museum. The heart of the site is the catalog online which consists of an API to the software E-Museum Plus, in which all artworks of the museum are managed. With the API, some of the artworks have now become visible to the public and can be experienced. The artworks can be discovered by several attributes such as colors, epochs and themes. Many artworks also have audiovisual content and texts have been created in plain language.

While the website appears simple and uncluttered, there is much under the hood technically and so automatically and every minute artworks are kept in sync and performance optimized indexed and loaded, exhibitions are sorted, displayed and archived and flexible components let the editors easily create content. The site is bilingual in German and English and WordPress was used as the CMS of choice.

Kunstmuseum Thun
Kunstmuseum Thun
Kunstmuseum Thun
Kunstmuseum Thun
Kunstmuseum Thun
Kunstmuseum Thun
Kunstmuseum Thun
Kunstmuseum Thun
Kunstmuseum Thun
Kunstmuseum Thun
Kunstmuseum Thun
Kunstmuseum Thun

Staunen im Kinderbuch.


Open the book, turn the pages, look at it, tell it and read it aloud: The children’s book raises expectations, surprises with the new, amazes with the strange, entices with the unknown, and delights with the recognition of familiar things.

The online exhibition “Wonder in Children’s Books” uses selected examples from children’s books from the mid-17th century to the beginning of the 20th century to trace how the forms, objects, goals, and valuations of wonder changed over the centuries. It introduces a history of children’s wonder as a cultural and social history. At the same time, it also provides insights into a history of imagination, art, literature, and pedagogy.

In collaboration with Zurich based Resort Studio, I developed the website for the online exhibition, which was created with the support of the University of Zurich and SIKJM. The introduction to the world of books is provided by a Lottie animation. On the book table the sizes of the covers are based on their real dimensions. The detailed views make it possible to browse and look closely, as well as to experience the story audiovisually. Filtering options offer categorization by subject. The website is based on WordPress.

Staunen im Kinderbuch
Staunen im Kinderbuch
Staunen im Kinderbuch
Staunen im Kinderbuch
Staunen im Kinderbuch
Staunen im Kinderbuch
Staunen im Kinderbuch
Staunen im Kinderbuch



The family-run architecture firm Architetta from Graubünden has been designing and realizing buildings throughout the canton and beyond for over 40 years. For years with a focus on buildings that are as energy-efficient as possible and with locally produced materials.

In collaboration with Bern based graphic studio Heyday I developed the new website for the architects. With drag and drop the user can explore the extensive work and immerse yourself in the buildings, which are mostly surrounded by imposing mountain scenery. WordPress was used as a backend and animations are based on JavaScript and CSS.




The website is a personal project of Alexander Rodshtein, who combines his enthusiasm for photography and creative writing. He asks about meaningful memories, our drive and how we deal with the worst moments in our lives. What is the definition of happiness? The7Memories aims to help us learn from each other, in a way that is compatible with their values.

In collaboration with Aarau based graphic design studio Büro a+o I developed the new website. Since the main topics such as happiness, friendship, death, family, etc. are usually interwoven, we created an interface to randomly show these connections and discover the stories. The website is based on WordPress and Alex can create and edit all his content independently.


Jazz Unleashed.


Jazz Unleashed is a unique event: Bernese venues form partnerships to share improvised music within the local community. This is all happening in locations off the beaten track: the so called Cuckoo Concerts aim to enrich the local music scene, with their fluidity of styles and genres providing new impulses and forging new connections.

In collaboration with Bern based graphic designer Katharina Reidy I developed the website for the small festival. Based on the P5JS script developed by Ksawery Komputery, the images of the musicians become an interactive experience and sound worlds of the artist Philipp Moll emphasize mouseover effects. Based on WordPress, the festival can manage the content independently.

Jazz Unleashed
Jazz Unleashed
Jazz Unleashed
Jazz Unleashed
Jazz Unleashed

Urs Brunner.


One of the great passions of the 77-year-old Bern based painter and illustrator Urs Brunner is scuba diving in the Mediterranean Sea and the tropical coral seas. Repeated encounters with the Arizona-Sonora Desert in the southwestern United States also exert a tremendous fascination on the artist. Both habitats contain essential key experiences on the one hand, on the other hand also motivation for the development of his picture worlds in the artistic creation. His works which stylistically can be assigned to hyper- or photorealism, but also to magic realism are fascinating and unique.

In collaboration with Bern based graphic designer Roland Zenger I developed the artist’s website. The website is based on flexible components to present the extensive work of the artist as seamlessly and comprehensively as possible. WordPress was used as CMS. Design-wise, the website is simple and optimized for easy user guidance through the works, which are categorized thematically.

Urs Brunner
Urs Brunner
Urs Brunner
Urs Brunner
Urs Brunner

Janosch Abel.


Janosch Abel is a Bern-based photographer who takes pictures to tell stories. His work has taken him around the world and he had people such as Pharrel Williams and Snoop Dogg in front of his lens which is pretty cool! His client list includes names such as Asics, On, Red Bull and Swatch.

In collaboration with the Bern-based design duo Salzmann Gertsch, I was commissioned to create the photographer’s new website. As a single page application, Janosch’s work can be discovered with a single scroll. Based on WordPress, Janosch can flexibly edit and expand his work. Features include a randomly generated Homepage, Lazy Video Loading, Infinity Photo Blog and Smooth Scroll.

Janosch Abel
Janosch Abel
Janosch Abel
Janosch Abel
Janosch Abel
Janosch Abel
Janosch Abel



PFEFFER/VERBEEK is the fashion label by designers Susanne Pfeffer and Nicole Verbeek. The brand stands for clear looks that are reduced to the essentials. The deliberately selected materials come from Europe and are certified. The individual customization options not only allow for personalized fashion, they also contribute to sustainability. In addition, PFEFFER/VERBEEK is moving away from the classic seasonal cycle. The collections build on each other: Each season, new pieces are added that become a new outfit with existing models in the line.

In collaboration with graphic designer Pia Fleischmann I developed the new website for the fashion label. Based on the concept by PFEFFER/VERBEEK, the website should be modular and pure. New collections don’t need a reprogramming of the website, but colors can be adjusted by collection, new collection and pieces can be added easily via WordPress.


Taking Measures.


The international video symposium fosters a dialog between art and research. Filmmakers, artists, researchers and scholars enter into creative and experimental conversation with each other about the usages and understandings of formats in film and video art.

The video symposium is hosted by Fabienne Liptay, Carla Gabriela Engler and Laura Walde (University of Zurich) in cooperation with Nurja Ritter and Nadia Schneider Willen (Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst). It is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) as part of the project “Exhibiting Film: Challenges of Format”.

In collaboration with Zurich based agency Resort Studio I developed the new website for Taking Measures. In close collaboration we developed a neat Single Page Application which can be managed with WordPress.

Taking Measures
Taking Measures
Taking Measures
Taking Measures
Taking Measures
Taking Measures
Taking Measures
Taking Measures
Taking Measures

Luna Productions.


Luna Productions was founded in 2014 by the two architects Nadja and Lukas Frei. Their buildings and projects impress with sustainability and modern forms. And exactly this minimalism should also be reflected on the new website.

In collaboration with Atelier Pol I was asked to develop the new website for Luna Productions. Following a strict grid, detailed typography and few font sizes, the website embodies the work of the two architects. The CMS, based on WordPress, can be independently managed by the Nadja and Lukas. The website was also optimized for performance and fast loading times.

Luna Productions
Luna Productions
Luna Productions
Luna Productions
Luna Productions
Luna Productions
Luna Productions

The Comfort of Books.


The Comfort of Books is a side project initiated by Patrizia Crivelli from Bern. On the basis of a questionnaire and a 45-minute interview, she offers personalized and individual book recommendations. The conversations can take place in German, English, French and Italian.

In collaboration with Katharina Reidy I developed the new website for the project. While the functionality is simple, an exciting idea to wrap the topic around books into a concept was born. Patrizia can upload book covers of her choice via the backend, which are then displayed on the landing page randomly and completely changed via CSS. Accordingly, the website, just like the book recommendations, is for each user different which is pretty cool.

The Comfort of Books
The Comfort of Books
The Comfort of Books
The Comfort of Books

Jan Kinsbergen.


After studying architecture at the ETH Zurich, Jan Kinsbergen first worked with Professor Hans Kollhoff. In 1993 he moved to New York City for professional reasons. There he was employed in the architectural office of Steven Holl until 1999. Afterwards he founded his own architectural office, also in New York. During this time, Jan Kinsbergen taught architecture as a guest researcher at Columbia GSAPP University in New York and was a faculty member at ETH Zurich from 2002 to 2008. Since 2002 he started his company Büro Jan Kinsbergen Architekt in Zurich, Switzerland.

In collaboration with Zurich based graphic designer Aline Ozkan I developed the website for Jan Kinsbergen. With a minimalist concept, attention was paid to details, such as an intelligent load and unload function for images and videos, scalable typography and optimal display of content on all screen sizes. Based on WordPress, Jan can create, edit and sort images and Vimeo videos through the backend.

Jan Kinsbergen
Jan Kinsbergen
Jan Kinsbergen
Jan Kinsbergen



The website Kinderregion was founded by Zurich Tourism, Rapperswil Zürichsee Tourism, Zug Tourism, the City of Baden and the House of Winterthur and aims to promote and communicate together family tourism offersin the Torism Region of Zurich.

In collaboration with CinCin Studio and Zurich Tourism I developed the new website for Kinderregion. Based on a REST API, editors can now easily import content from Zürich Tourism and, if desired, enhance it with their own content. In addition, I developed filter options and a customized Google Maps integration for the approximately 600 offers. The website is also bilingual and optimized for SEO.




Stadtgalerie Bern shows, mediates, produces and promotes contemporary art. As a municipal institution and part of Kultur Stadt Bern, it sees itself as a place for the public to engage with art and central questions of our present day. For over 50 years, Stadtgalerie has been showing Bernese art, placing it in an (inter)national context and creating space for dialogue and exchange.

In collaboration with the graphic duo Kornhaus Atelier I had the chance to develop a new website for the gallery. With scalable typography, lots of white space, overlays and a clear set of rules of style sheets the website appears timeless and aesthetic. But it is also about what is under the hood: the curator can independently record exhibitions and events, link them to each other in a simple way, add a read more function, archive and document exhibitions and events, and this bilingually with a synchronize function based on certain content elements.


La Stoll.


Fabienne Stoll aka La Stoll is driven by a great passion for new forms of work, business and society. As a bilingual “Fribourgeoise” with more than 13 years of experience in communication, consulting and coaching, she is happy to assist her clients in all these areas.

In cooperation with the designer Andrea Noti I developed the new website. The 3 main areas Communication Design, Life Design and Organization Design are represented by different color schemes and animations based on the Airbnb-Technology “Lottie”. Depending on the size of the screen, the navigation and layout of the website changes fundamentally. Contents are also displayed in a shortened and fold-out form in order to maintain the simplicity and white space even with small display sizes.

La Stoll
La Stoll
La Stoll
La Stoll
La Stoll
La Stoll

Hocus & Pocus.


Hocus & Pocus is a small but fine graphic design studio from Liechtenstein. Because the studio wanted to celebrate minimalism with its new website, the site gets by without any navigation. With playful micro-animations they intentionally underline their love for details – and their humour is not only to be found in the content, but also in the self-developed game!

The custom-made Typo Breaker Game generates the texts directly from the CMS. On 5 levels, players can play through bright colors and typography experiments. The best of the best then save themselves forever in the mighty highscore list! The development of the website was demanding as I had to create multiple versions for a variety of devices, the typography had to be programmed in a scalable way and animations had to be based on CSS animations.

Hocus & Pocus
Hocus & Pocus
Hocus & Pocus
Hocus & Pocus
Hocus & Pocus
Hocus & Pocus
Hocus & Pocus
Hocus & Pocus
Hocus & Pocus



LocherPilz recognizes architecture as the craft and aesthetic discussion between people and the built space. Based the conditions of the location and the context, they design, create and construct individual answers for specific construction tasks.

In collaboration with the designer Claudia Eggimann I developed the new website for the architecture duo from Zurich. With a lot of pleasure in experimenting with CSS Polygon Shapes, Smooth Scrolling and initially distorted image worlds, we fought our way through the jungle of browser support to finally find the perfect mix between minimalism and experimental modernism. Based on WordPress, the client can independently manage, sort, edit and extend their projects.


Studio Mo.


Studio Mo focuses on sustainably produced small series – also known as Slow Goods – and the producers, designers and artists behind these products. The curated platform tells the stories of these locally manufactured products to express that behind every product there are people who craft it. Studio Mo’s selected network of creative people and their products brings beauty slowly but surely into your home. Behind Studio Mo is Lea Moser. The photographer from Bern has both an eye for valuable and unique things as well as a great deal of sympathy for authenticity and character.

In collaboration with Kornhaus Atelier I developed the webshop of the platform. Depending on the season, mood and choice, different colour palettes are available to underline the products with the desired mood. The spray effect was implemented on the Lottie technology developed by Airbnb. The heart of the website, the webshop is based on WooCommerce which is based on WordPress and allows Lea to manage the products, their variants and stocks independently. Payments are processed via Paypal Express (Mastercard, Visa).

Studio Mo
Studio Mo
Studio Mo
Studio Mo
Studio Mo
Studio Mo
Studio Mo
Studio Mo



In paper production, opacity refers to the non-translucent quality of paper. When using lightweight or non-opaque paper, the contents of both the preceding and the following page shine through the pages. Depending on the nature of the paper, the opacity is higher (for example, thick, coated paper) or lower (thin offset paper).

Based on the concept and design of Studio Bonsma Reist I developed a script for the layout program Adobe InDesign, which digitally simulates the opacity of paper. With the help of this script, InDesign files can be tested for the effects of opacity from at least two created pages (recto / verso). OpaqueScript serves both as a design tool and creative tool for designers, as well as for controlling print data in the production process for the printing industry. The script is currently in the beta phase and can be requested by interested designers via our website.

This project is supported by Berner Design Stiftung.


Fundazium Nairs.


Fundaziun Nairs is a unique synthesis of an artist’s house, art gallery and cultural laboratory. Founded in 2005, the foundation promotes dialogue and collaboration between the arts and links the Engadine with other cultures around the world. If you are looking for the unknown and the unfamiliar, deepening and concentration, you will find it there.

In collaboration with Zurich based agency Hej, I was asked to develop the technical implementation of the new website. Since Nairs has a variety of content, it was necessary to develop a flexible content system which gives the client the freedom to create tailor-made content for each page. Components such as text, links, galleries and link lists can be placed in 1, 2 or 3 column grids. Depending on the screen size, these columns and components then change their shape, placement and size. Past events and exhibitions are also automatically moved to the digital archive every day.

Digitization was the keyword when it came to the automatic processing of the Artist in Residence programs. Form data is now automatically combined in the backend as an XLS export, and application files are automatically generated as PDF dossiers to digitally transmit them to the jury. What was previously done by hand can now happen automatically in just a few clicks.

Fundazium Nairs
Fundazium Nairs
Fundazium Nairs
Fundazium Nairs
Fundazium Nairs
Fundazium Nairs
Fundazium Nairs
Fundazium Nairs

Rea Wittwer.


Rea Wittwer is a freelance copywriter from Bern. She writes journalistic articles as well as marketing and PR texts for print and online. Depending on the assignment, she also develops concepts, realizes entire projects or teams up with people from her network.

In collaboration with graphic design studio Kornhaus Atelier I developed the new website for Rea. Depending on her daily mood she can choose between 5 different color palettes to give her website the perfect flair. I invested a lot of work into the detail typography and perfect white space. Additionally the horizontally divided layout on the desktop changes its shape to a vertical one on mobile. WordPress runs under the hood so Rea can edit and add new projects independently at any time.

Rea Wittwer
Rea Wittwer
Rea Wittwer
Rea Wittwer
Rea Wittwer
Rea Wittwer
Rea Wittwer
Rea Wittwer



Since 1989, Kulturdünger supports and promotes creative ideas and projects by young creative artists from the region of Aargau with financial help and project advice.

In collaboration with Büro a+o I had the chance to develop the new website. Always open to new ideas and in the spirit of digital nomadism, we developed some of the functionalities and designs together in an alpine hut in the Bernese Oberland. And the result is something to be proud of: playful elements and animations, big typography and an unfamiliar navigation concept should encourage teens & tweens until 26 to submit their cultural projects and to discover projects by fellow artists.




Moobel is the sustainable and fresh Swiss furniture label, founded in 1998 by Monika Peier. The origin of moobel is based on the 1967 developed garden chair by Walter Brand, which has established itself as a Swiss design classic! In collaboration with Büro a+o, I developed the brandnew website and online shop as part of their new branding.

Based on WordPress, the client is able to manage all products in the Backend. It’s possible to adjust prices and do warehouse management at any time or to create suitable product combos via cross-selling functionalities. Additionally a news and reference section tells the stories behind exciting collaborations and assignments.

In the Frontend, the products and the visual world are perfectly created in a combination of minimal illustrations and full cover images. With these colorful product images, the big typography, lots of white space and micro-animations, users can immerse themselves in moobel summer mood all year long! The checkout process has been simplified and optimized! And of course, users can pay with common payment methods like MasterCard, Visa and Postfinance.




Kraftreaktor is considered as the central meeting place of the climbing scene in the region of Aarau. The very impressive 18-meter-high climbing-hall offers around 70 routes and the 20-meter long high-roof brings even experienced climbers to the limit! A large Boulder hall, climbing courses and a café completes their offer. Since its opening 22 years ago, a loyal core clientele has been established and every day beginners are taught the joy and safety of passionate climbing on the rope.

In collaboration with Aarau based Graphic Studio Büro a+o I have been awarded the contract to develop the website based on the newly created branding. Out from Adobe XD prototypes I developed a flexible content structure build on WordPress. Likewise Kraftreaktor can now independently generate content depending on their branding guidelines. Data from current routes in the climbing hall are transferred via an interface from their route building tool and are integrated in real time on their website.

With scrolling- and micro-animations, blur effects and the integration of the animated logo via the Lottie technology we created as well a modern frontend with app character. The content, as well as the navigation are displayed with a lot of white space in order to focus on the essentials and the geometric Stolzl Font made by The Northern Block supports the minimalistic and modern aesthetic of the Website.


Fundaziun Nairs.


Fundaziun Nairs is a unique synthesis of Künstlerhaus, Kunsthalle and cultural centre. It links the Engadine with other cultures of the world.

Located in the historic bathhouse of 1913 at the mineral springs of the Inn, it offers exhibitions, concerts, readings, films, discussions, guided tours and architectural walks. At the same time, Fundaziun Nairs has been awarding residencies to artists from all over the world for 30 years.

In collaboration with Zurich based agency Hej, I developed the minimalistic and temporary Single Page Website, which shows the most important content until the realisation of the full website at the end of the year.

Fundaziun Nairs
Fundaziun Nairs
Fundaziun Nairs
Fundaziun Nairs
Fundaziun Nairs
Fundaziun Nairs

Gurtenfestival '19.


While the Gurtenfestival started in 1977 as a small alternative cultural festival it has grown now into one of the largest music festivals in Switzerland. With around 20’000 visitors per day, an international lineup and an always peaceful atmosphere on Bern’s local mountain, it is one of my favorite festivals. The greater the joy that I got the chance to develop the new website in collaboration with Kargo.

The Aare river around Berne was made the theme of this year’s Festival and so I programmed multi-layered interactions and effects based on the element of water. For example, the background reacts to movements of the smartphone and the logo was animated via the Lottie technology developed by Airbnb. Additional micro-animations should not only entertain, but also improve the user-friendliness.

The basis of the application is the CMS WordPress, whereby data is additionally loaded into the application via an API. Because of that the Festival Administrators can independently publish acts, stages and timetables on the Website according to their media plan. In the background, real-time data is synchronized with the website, and various open and closed sections provide guests and media professionals the informations they look for. During the festival, the number of traffic increases to around 70’000 visits per day for which several servers will provide the necessary load distribution.

Gurtenfestival '19
Gurtenfestival '19
Gurtenfestival '19
Gurtenfestival '19
Gurtenfestival '19
Gurtenfestival '19
Gurtenfestival '19
Gurtenfestival '19
Gurtenfestival '19



Visarte is the professional association of Visual Artists in Switzerland. It represents their interests on a political and social level and commits itself to basic conditions in connection with artistic creation and advises artists in many different fields.

In collaboration with Atelier Pol I developed the new website which optimally adapts to the screen size in terms of layout and typography. Accordingly there are 7 different breakpoints which change the layout and font size depending on the device and resolution. Based on WordPress and with modular content elements Visarte can create each page independently and make it available in 3 different languages. Furthermore there is an API to an external member administration software to validate the login details for additional content only available for Visarte Members.


Swica Report '18.


SWICA is one of the leading health and accident insurers in Switzerland with around 1.5 million insured persons and 27’000 corporate clients.

In collaboration with Zurich based agency Hej I had once again the chance to develop the digital annual report Website of SWICA. This year’s focus was on the 7×24 services to its customers provided by SWICA. On topics such as Chatbots or Billing Apps, sympathetic CEO Reto Dahinden explains the current state and future plans through audio commentaries.

The wonderful illustrations were created by Bern based illustrator Christoph Frei aka Chragokyberneticks and the cool thing – we brought them to life with Airbnb’s technology Lottie. Demanding were also the programming of the complex financial report tables, which should also be displayed optimally on mobile devices.

Swica Report '18
Swica Report '18
Swica Report '18
Swica Report '18
Swica Report '18
Swica Report '18
Swica Report '18

NOLD Skateboards.


In the summer of 2009 I first met the founder and maker of NOLD Skateboards Marc Casagrande at a surfers beach somewhere on the west coast of Portugal. From that point on we developed this kind of men’s friendship where you explore together pow-pow-covered mountains on a Snowboard, ride dark blue waves with the Surfboard and skate until you run out of air.

When “Casi” founded his own Skateboard Company last year we wanted to translate this vibe and his origins in the golden 80s into the web. Graphic designer Pia Fleischmann then developed a wonderful concept and design that revives these bright colors, the playfulness and the dirt of that time!

One gimmick on the page that I really like: anyone who has been on a board knows that in the beginning you have to ask yourself if you are Regular or Goofie on the board, and that’s what we used on the website. When you decide for Regular the whole site is left-aligned and with Goofy you navigate right-aligned through the page! 🤙

OLD, but not!
NOT OLD, in short:

NOLD Skateboards
NOLD Skateboards
NOLD Skateboards
NOLD Skateboards
NOLD Skateboards
NOLD Skateboards
NOLD Skateboards
NOLD Skateboards
NOLD Skateboards
NOLD Skateboards
NOLD Skateboards
NOLD Skateboards

Pia Fleischmann.


Swiss graphic designer Pia Fleischmann has been gaining experience in the fields of design, branding, typography, product design and motion for the last 10 years in small and medium sized graphic studios.

With a lot of ambition, enjoyment for work, love for details and her playful-minimal style she finally took the risk and went all-in to work independently. She offers tailor-made brandings, packaging for products, screendesigns and has knowledge in corporate- and editorial-design.

In the implementation of the website, it was necessary to convert exactly these characters into bits and bytes to show future customers the diversity of her know-how from printed to digital and from static to agile. And so we worked together to create a Single Page Website which immerses the user in Pia’s world. Here you can explore her story as a designer, get to know the services as well as her very first portfolio works.

Pia Fleischmann
Pia Fleischmann
Pia Fleischmann
Pia Fleischmann
Pia Fleischmann
Pia Fleischmann
Pia Fleischmann
Pia Fleischmann



Iyengar Yoga is both physically and mentally challenging and is characterized by precision and concentration in the alignment and execution of the positions (asanas) and the breathing exercises (pranayama). Iyengar Yoga teachers undergo several years of intensive training, which includes not only deepening their own practice and teaching, but also anatomy and yoga philosophy.

In collaboration with graphic designer Claudia Eggimann, I developed the new website for the association Iyengar Yoga Switzerland which was founded in 1999 by a handful of practitioners and teachers and has grown continuously since then.

Based on WordPress I developed the new functionality in accordance with the requirements of the customer. Accordingly the multilanguage implementation of the Backend offers a lot of flexiblity when it comes to creating content. Furthermore the pool of teachers is automatically imported via API from their CRM and is complemented with filter and search functions. A protected member area offers the association the opportunity to provide additional informations, downloads and events exclusively to its members. Based on the new branding guidelines, the customer can choose between five color profiles and use elements such as galleries, quotes, text boxes and videos as needed. The website deliberately keeps a lot of white space but surprises with micro-animations, which only become visible on mouse-over events.


Zimmermann Architects.


In collaboration with graphic designer Andrea Noti, I developed the minimalist website for the Zurich based architects Zimmermann Architekten. The site plays with the geometry and simple shapes to direct the focus of the visitor to the essentials. The dots on the homepage for instance symbolize the broad field of activity in the different regions of Switzerland and at the same time offer the entry point into the projects. The young office is ambitious and focuses on implementation planning, construction management as well as architecture studies and design-driven activities.

Zimmermann Architects
Zimmermann Architects
Zimmermann Architects
Zimmermann Architects
Zimmermann Architects
Zimmermann Architects
Zimmermann Architects
Zimmermann Architects

Junge Bühne Bern.


Since its founding in 2006, Junge Bühne Bern has been committed to children and young adults who are passionate about theater. In addition to numerous projects with children and teenagers from the greater Bern area, JBB is also devoted in the integration of refugees and people who call Switzerland their second home. Several choreographers, theater teachers and musicians actively support the club with more than 200 members and ensures that JBB will continue to shape the cultural landscape of Bern.

I developed the new website in close collaboration with Graphic Design Studio B&R, which has been designing the posters for the theater since 2011. The aim was to incorporate the well designed six-month program booklets with the Screen. According to this I developed a Web-Framework to create custom Animations and Color Patterns based on JavaScript and HTML5. Since the target group are children as well as adults the site had to have a playful character and so we invested a lot of time in Experiments, Interaction Design and Animation. In addition to the design and interaction process, it was necessary to simplify the theater’s own digital processes. Based on that I developed a tailor-made reservation tool which is a handy solution for guests and employees alike.

Junge Bühne Bern
Junge Bühne Bern
Junge Bühne Bern
Junge Bühne Bern
Junge Bühne Bern
Junge Bühne Bern
Junge Bühne Bern
Junge Bühne Bern

Wir sind Artisten.


Salzburg Design Studio Wir sind Artisten, founded by the designer Alex Stieg and consisting of a team of passionate designers, who are working mainly in the field of branding, editorial and book design, corporate publishing, webdesign, exhibition- and packaging-design.

The requirements on the website were clearly defined: they wanted a minimalistic, highly performant and elegant website with a lot of whitespace and the possibility to integrate videos and media optimized for any screensize. The Frontend is created as a Single Page Application and as a backend system I made use of WordPress. Alex can now easily and anytime edit and create his projects and content.

Wir sind Artisten
Wir sind Artisten
Wir sind Artisten

Studio Sansano.


Studio Sansano is an interdisciplinary design and planning office. They collect stories and things and develop projects for art, construction and film. Paula Sansano is an architect ETH and leads the Studio in Bern with a focus on architectural transformation processes. Since 2016, she also manages the Affspace – Offspace for Architecture in the Old Town of Bern.

In collaboration withAtelier Pol I developed the website as part of a new branding. In new color and with modern typography we let the visitor dive into the world of the Studio and present the multi-layered projects in the form of text, image and video. On the start page you can even awaken your own creativity and paint it as you like.

Based on WordPress Paula can assemble each project individually with flexible content elements or integrate external elements such as video and audio independently.


Swica Report '17.


SWICA is one of Switzerland’s leading health- and accident-insurance companies with around 1.4 million policyholders and 27,300 corporate customers. The successful jubilee year 2017 had to be transported to the web.

In cooperation with Zurich based Graphic Design Studio Hej I developed the new reporting website of the past financial year. The SPA focuses on audio recordings by CEO Reto Dahinden, who can be heard in 3 national languages by clicking on different areas on the main image. The website impresses with cheerful illustrations made by Bern based illustrator Christoph Frei. The page shows moreover the most important facts and figures, diagrams and a responsive-optimized table for the income statement and balance sheet. The site is very thoughtful and offers a clear UX design and reduced animation.

Swica Report '17
Swica Report '17
Swica Report '17
Swica Report '17

Ladies Wine Design.


Ladies, Wine Design was started by Jessica Walsh after writing this article as an initiative to foster women creativity. Only a tiny percent of creative directors are women, and LW&D wants to help change this through mentorship circles, portfolio reviews, and creative meet-ups. In less than a year of launching, this project spread to chapters in over 120 cities all over the world.

In collaboration with the New York based agency Sagmeister & Walsh I had the opportunity to reprogram the entire website and to develop various extensions in close cooperation with the designers. Extensions include full Responsive behavior for Tablet and Mobile Devices, a reservation feature, a custom Google Maps integration with an overview and filtering of all international chapters, a gallery with the latest events as well as an interview section and Instagram integration.

I really enjoyed to work on this project and I hope Ladies Wine Design will continue to grow fast.
Thanks to Gabriela Namie, Erica Grubman & Jessica Walsh.




In collaboration with graphic design studio Büro A + O we experimented a lot to find ideas on how to present the work of a copywriter – namely phrases and words, names, ideas and concepts to create a meaningful portfolio. While it should be fun to browse the site, we wanted as well the look and feel of the 90s – on one hand to celebrate his golden years and of course, to underline his humor – as it was a  key element during the whole concept phase. The result is a portfolio page of a different kind – and Yes – that’s a good thing.

On the start page you will find an arrangement of his current favorite sentences – so to speak, his Gesamtkunstwerk, which tells a story, in fragments. If you click on a project you get the necessary additional informations about the work that has been done and gallery images can be shuffeled (in the spirit of the 90s). In addition to an About and Contact page, as well as a Blog, the highlight is certainly the Chat. Here people can get in touch with René and you will find funny, controversial and blatant love conversations between him and and his audience. Enjoy browsing!


Frame Optik.


In cooperation with Manuel Kreuzer. Office for visual communication from Passau we created the new minimalist website for the innovative opticians Frame. While Manuel developed a loose grid in which image and text can be optimally read I developed the animations and programmed the logic for the Frontend and Backend that the grid works as well on Tablet and Mobile. As CMS we used WordPress so the customer can edit the website independently and at any time.

Frame Optik

ISC Club.


What began in 1970 on a few square meters as an “International Student Club of the University of Berne” is now a city-known club with a top-class program and a charisma far beyond the Bernese nightlife.

In collaboration with Team Tandem I developed the new website for the club, which puts the broad program into focus and makes it the Homepage. With playful animations and attention to detail guests cancan immerse themself in the world of the club, check out the latest concerts and can get informations about the location.




Fashion for her and him, uniting with great virtuosity freedom of movement and elegant fit, carefully dressing and flattering all silhouettes and curves. This is PAMB, the kind of fashion Nicole Verbeek and Evelyne Pfeffer design in their boutique in Berne. For this small and very sympathic Fashion Label I developed in collaboration with Pascal Melcer the new Website.


Lunar Tribute.


When Rob Lewis saw an image of a family portrait lying on the surface of the moon, he realized there was a story behind the photograph smiling down on us still. The family is that of astronaut Charlie “Gee Whiz” Duke who left the photo there April 24, 1972 when he became the tenth and, at 36, the youngest man to walk on the moon. LUNAR TRIBUTE is the story of that photo and Charlie’s journey to the moon and back.

The film celebrates its premiere at the New York Natural History Museum on October 20st, and so I helped Rob Lewis, in collaboration with the graphic artists Andreas Räber and Christian Calabro to develop a landing page that simulates the weightlessness of the moon, tells the story behind the film, to watch the Making Off and download the Press Material.

Lunar Tribute

SAJ Architects.


In cooperation with graphic studio Heyday I developed the new website for the swiss architects SAJ. The intro animation plays nicely with the new logo and offers the entry point to the minimalist and detail-loving world of SAJ. The best cases are presented with text and photo as well as with informations about the team, stories and contact details. Based on WordPress the customer can create and manage all content himself.


Daniel Steffen.


For the Swiss graphic designer and Art Director Daniel Steffen I developed the new One Page App Portfolio website. The site is minimalistic and allows you to browse through the various works quickly and seamlessly. In the background I used the WordPress CMS which allows Daniel to easily and intuitively create projects and to sort and edit them with drag and drop

Daniel Steffen

A2 Letter.


In collaboration with the founders Yves Stuber, Cyril Müller and the graphic studio Atelier Pol I developed the website for A2 Letter. While the page looks simple at first glance the technical challenge was in the background.

On one hand there are users who can register for a subscription to receive a curated poster in A2 format every 2 weeks by post. The subscribers are managed via Stripe and thus have the possibility to manage their data at any time via a login area. On the other hand, graphic artists, designers, photographers and creative people have the opportunity to upload their work via the website and with the chance to get a reward of 1’000 euros if their work is selected by a curator. The challenge here was especially the handling of the large files which can be uploaded to the server. And at the very least I created a custom tool for the curators to easily manage and curate the submitted works.

What makes me particularly happy is the fact that the founder of the prestigious design magazine Juxtapoz from San Francisco is the first curator for issue no 1 and the artist Chrissy Angliker makes the start with #0 this July.


Thomas Stöckli.


In collaboration with the designer Anne Lutz I developed the new portfolio website for the renowned Swiss photographer Thomas Stöckli. The focus is on the impressive photographs and that’s why we created a special solution for the navigation and mouse pointers. They adapt themselves with a complementary color filter on the respective color of the pictures. The CMS is based on WordPress where Thomas can easily create new projects, drag and drop them, sort them or write journal articles.


Züri West.


After 5 years one of Switzerland’s best known bands is celebrating its comeback with the album Love. The media hype around the album was pretty amazing. In collaboration with Kargo I had the chance to create the new website and online-shop for the famous band.

We animated the heart-shaped symbol of the new album Love to experience a nice intro to the new world of Züri West. The website features large images, minimalist design and sophisticated use of colors. To guarantee a seamless integration of the media like video and audio I worked with the API of Youtube and for the song teasers I developed a simple HTML5 audio player. The website is based on WordPress and has about 1’600 – 3’000 visitors per day.




In cooperation with the graphic design studio CinCin from Zurich I developed the swiss family blog Kleinstadt.

The three mothers and founders Sarah Pfäffli, Bruna Casagrande and Eva Hefti had the idea to create a platform for urban parents and their children and to write articles with good journalistic background to give inspiration and tips on life with children in cities. The idea was well received and the fan base of parents has been growing ever since.


Hotel Fusio.


In cooperation with the graphic studio Hej in Zurich  I created the website for the small but fine hotel Fusio in Ticino. Renovated in 2016, Hotel Fusio offers 12 double rooms and is located in the beautiful Maggia Valley in the italian part of Switzerland.

I had the chance to create the new Hotel Website which especially impresses with it’s large pictures from the region, informations on the hotel, restaurant and their hosts and offers as well a booking form for direct bookings. The website is based on the CMS WordPress und was optimized with love for details for every screen size.


Foundation Paul Boesch.


In cooperation with Atelier Pol in Bern I created the new website for the Paul Boesch Foundation which supports young artists and art students in the development of their work.

The annual countdown to the prize-giving can be set up independently by the customer and there are large picture galleries for the respective artists and an archive function available. The website is based on the CMS WordPress and the Screendesign impresses through its minimalism and white space.


Lea Moser.


In cooperation with Atelier Pol in Bern I had the chance to create the new portfolio website for the photographer Lea Moser. She has been self-employed since 2008 and mainly works in the areas of people, beauty, lifestyle, business, architecture and reportage.

For her the separation between free and paid work was important so we created a One Page solution which let you explore her work in a playful way within the three areas: Free, About and Commissional. In the Backend of WordPress Lea can easily create new projects, sort them with drag and drop and edit and publish them.


Echtzeit Verlag.


In cooperation with Müller+Hess in Basel I had the chance to create the new website and ERP for the publishing house. Echtzeit was founded in 2007 by the two art directors Wendelin Hess, Beat Müller and with the journalist Markus Schneider. Today over seventy titles are available throughout book stores and online.

My job was to develop a new version for the 10-year old ERP, to optimize the business processes according to the customer’s experience and to digitize many manual tasks. The result is a tailor-made ERP for the administration of the books, authors, contacts, but also for the automating of the royalty billings and the booking of sales. In the frontend I developed an equally tailor-made online shop which lets you discover the books as if in a book shelf. From a technical point of view the Laravel Framework offers the basis, the frontend was created with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.

Echtzeit Verlag

La Stanza.


In collaboration with the graphic studio Noord in Bern I developed the multipage for La Stanza, Café Lang and Hotel Rivington and Sons in Zurich.

To make it easy for the owners of the 3 cafes and bars to edit their content centrally and easily I developed a Multipage WordPress website which allows editing multiple websites with 1 Backend but with its very own design per site.


Atelier Pol.


With great attention to detail I developed for the graphic design studio Atelier Pol from Bern the new portfolio website.

It was important for Atelier Pol to put their work into the center and thus we consciously reduced the screendesign and added a lot white space. Nevertheless the user finds playful elements as well such as the Supersize imprint text or the numbering of the blog articles. Through the backend the studio can easily sort and publish its works display news texts on the homepage and write articles.


Maurer AG.


In cooperation with Büro A+O from Aarau I developed the new website for the industrial enterprise Maurer AG.

With a lot of color, white space, great typography and a beautiful pictorial world the website stands out from the gloom of other industrial websites. Every week a RAL color of the week is chosen, team members present themselves in their work clothes and with their favorite RAL color. The website is based on WordPress and with a design which adapts to it’s respective screen size.


Büro A+O.


For the Aarau based graphic studio Büro A+O I developed the new portfolio website with great attention to detail. Especially their humor coupled with the outstanding work makes this site unique.

Depending on the time the studio can define different intros of the website and yes – the love this function! For example at lunch you see an animated gif of someone who is eating a sandwich and around midnight there are bats flying through their office. The work will be presented in a specially for A+O developed grid and in the section Senf the user can scroll back to the funny beginnings of the agency.


(Team) Alexis Zurflüh.


For the renowned Munich graphic studio (team) Alexis Zurflüh I developed the new portfolio website.

The work of (Team) Alexis Zurflüh impresses with their uniqueness and their zeitgeist. So took the chance to create as well a unique digital experience. The start page is the overview page and as soon as the user is in the loop one clicks from project to project – even more radical is the mobile version. There’s no navigation – just clicks – and every fifth is the about or contact page. The website is based on WordPress and the studio can easily create projects, crop previews, and define background colors.


Michael Sieber.


For the renowned Swiss photographer Michael Sieber I developed the new portfolio website in collaboration with (Team) Alexis Zurflüh.

The photographs by Michael Sieber tell their very own stories and so it was a honor to develop his new website together with the Munich graphic studio (team) Alexis Zurflüh. Particularly challenging was the optimization of the performance so that the large photographs nevertheless load fast and to perfectly display them on every screen size. In the WordPress Backend Michael can independently capture projects, defined image formats and background colors, and sort them according to their importance.

Michael Sieber

Len Sander.


For the up-and-coming Zurich electro pop band Len Sander I developed the website for the new EP ‘Saltlick’.

Only a few years ago they were pretty unknown and this year they already rock the Paleo and the Gurten Festival, were overwhelmed with GDS Awards and are played up and down in the radio. Lucky me I had the chance to create their new website for the sympathetic band. The website impresses with wonderful photos by Thomas Stöckli, contains songs from the Songkick API, integrates Spotify audio samples and shows pictures of the tour.

Len Sander



With great attention to detail I developed the new portfolio website for the Art Director Marc Zenhäusern. Marc is not only a part of the studio Atelier Pol but was significantly responsible for the design of HumanHuman, We are Magnetic and Dampfzentrale.

It was important for Marc to keep the users focus on his work so you can click through the projects where each project can be defined with its own background color. There are detail pages available, as well as an integration of his Tumblr blog. Lucky us the website received very positive feedback in the international design scene.


Parc Architekten.


For the Aarau based architects Parc Architekten I developed in collaboration with the graphic studio Denkmal the new website.

It was important to the customer that their high-quality 3D renderings and photographs of their projects were at the center of the website. So I developed a custom overview grid for them which sets their works perfectly in scene. With the WordPress Backend new projects can be easily created, edited and sorted.




In cooperation with Atelier Pol I created the new mini-landing page for the record label Weltrekords which works exclusively for the band Züri West .

The site is handmade and without a CMS, the background of the stars is animated with JavaScript and of course the site is responsive.


Aarauer Altstadtlauf.


For the very successful old town running competition Aarauer Altstadtlauf I developed the website in cooperation with the graphic studio Büro A + O .

The illustration specially created for the old town running competition provides the basis for the advertising campaign and provides also the introduction to the website. Athletes of all categories can get information about the run, register as runners and get access to the ranking.




For the Crowdfunding project Sunraising from Bern I developed the website in cooperation with Kargo. The project is a tremendous success and as a result three solar systems were installed in the first year which delivers electricity of up to 34,000 kWh per year.

The team at Sunraising can add new roofs over the Backend of the site which are displayed on the map due to their geodata. Here the users can see how much of the roofs is already financed and we created an intuitive purchase process to make it as simple as possible to purchase a part of the solar panel. The payments are processed by the swiss payment service Payrexx.




In collaboration with the graphic studio Keen I developed the website for Baukommunikation. The website offers services in the communication sector for the construction industry.

The site is a mix between One Page functionalities on the home page and a classic blog on the various service sections. The studio can independently capture new services, define categories and create and edit articles.




In cooperation with Marc Zenhäusern and Evelyn Schneider Ryes , we created the small but fine website for the popular Bernese Märitbeizli.

Every year when it smells like mulled wine in the city of Berne it is known that the Märitbeizli brings the citizens of Bern in Christmas mood. We had the chance to develop the new website for the very traditional Märitbeizli which provides information about the team, the Märitbeizli and their current jobs.




In cooperation with Kargo I developed the new online shop for the most beautiful toy store in Bern.

The Bilboquet toy store which had been in existence since 1966 wanted to bring its assortment into the digital age so we developed an online shop based on WordPress and WooCommerce which allows the management of products, their stockpiles and color variants. It is easy to pay via a local payment provider and favorite products can be saved by the user.


We Love Aarau.


For the well-known and popular Blog We Love Aarau I developed in cooperation with Büro A+O the new website.

Next to the classic blog functionality I developed a backend which is used by more than 50 local organizers to publish their events, users can capture free appartment and job offers and an Instagram integration let you dive into the mood of the city.


Swiss Red Cross.


In cooperation with Kargo I developed the new website for the Helpdesk of the Swiss Red Cross.

The Landingpage was launched with a print campaign in all local medias and informed about the Helpdesk which is centrally located at the Bern train station. It’s a starting point and advisory center for people in need. The websites intro is in the same style like the rest of the campaign in order to have the recognition effect. On the One-Page-Website the user finds information, contact and donation possibilities. The site is based on WordPress and the customer independently manages news articles and a professional blog.

Swiss Red Cross



OLMO started in 1977 as an independent punk shop in Bern. While you still feel the punk popping up they have now 8 fashion stores in Switzerland. In collaboration with Kargo I developed the new website.

The website is based on WordPress and offers Olmo the possibility to manage all content independently. The young team is writing news articles with new trends and products, they proudly present their team and information about the different stores and brands can be found.


Kolt Magazine.


In cooperation with the founder Yves Stuber I developed the new website and the online shop for the Olten based Kolt Magazin.

The goal was to bring the magazine into the digital age and so I developed on the basis of WordPress an editorial system which allows the categorization and assignment of articles to different areas of the page. In addition subscribers receive their own login and get access to exclusive content, can adjust their invoice data, and new subscribers are directly synchronized to the swiss accounting system Bexio.

Kolt Magazine

Via Helvetica.


The two renowned designer and photographer team Thomas Stöckli und Anne Lutz from Zurich plan to explore all cantons of Switzerland in 8 months, each for about one week, from Aadorf to Zwischbergen. Your car not only serves as a means of transport, but is also an apartment, bedroom and office.

On the basis of WordPress I developed their website which is based on a Geo Location app which captures its location and expels this accordingly on the map. In addition Anne and Thomas can record news articles and galleries during their trip. The site is created in 5 languages and the funding runs through a ‘We Make It’ campaign.




For the popular Zurich blog Tsüri I performed various optimizations in cooperation with the founder Simon Jacoby.

On one hand the very slow loading time of up to 6 seconds per visit had to be optimized. With various Caching and Minify optimizations we made an improvement down to 0.5 seconds which resulted in a much better user experience. On the other hand I developed a tailor-made donor solution that could be flexibly integrated into any article.


Go Snow.


In cooperation with Kargo I developed the platform Go Snow. The association Schneesportinitiative Schweiz is a public-private partnership for the promotion of snow sports. National associations, the cantons and the federal government founded the association in May 2014 in order to encourage children and young people to do more snow-sports.

On the basis of WordPress I created a plattform for schools which have a platform to book easily group offers, get an overview of the activities in the regions and save their favorite camps. GoSnow on the other hand creates annually new snow sport offers, defines seasonal offers, integrates selected partners and assesses reviews to optimize the offers annually. The project was 2016 awarded with a Milestone Award in the category Innovation.


Frères Rochat.


In cooperation with Kargo I created the new website for Frères Rochat, which are internationally known for their luxurious singing birds.

With points of sale in Zurich, Tokyo and Qatar Frères Rochat has an international clientele and so the website had to meet the company’s high standards. Photographs and videos show the perfections and detail accuracy of their products. The website is based on WordPress and is bilingual.


Lukas Film.


In cooperation with the graphic studio Office A + O I developed the new website for the Swiss filmmaker Lukas Gähwiler.

The Basel-based filmmaker Lukas Gähwiler who has been independent since 2009 commissioned us to create his new portfolio website. So I developed a One Pager website based on WordPress, which allows the integration of Vimeo and Youtube videos.




In collaboration with the Zurich based web agency Attribute I developed the front-end of the Weinberg website.

While Attribute was responsible for the Backend programming with Drupal I developed in paralell the Frontend with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.




In cooperation with Kargo I developed the website of the architect Patrick Roost. His projects ranges from small private orders to housing and infrastructure buildings to the renovation and expansion of historic buildings as well as large-scale development and master plans.

On the basis of WordPress, I developed a portfolio website for Patrick where he can easily creae new projects, sort them with drag and drop and edit them.


Kaufhaus zum Glück.


For the small but fine store in Aarau I developed in cooperation with Büro A+O the new website and online shop.

It was important for the owner Karin Hostettler that the website and online shop show their favourite products and serve as a digital shop window for the store in the inner city of Aarau. So I developed on the basis of WordPress a tailor-made online shop with which Karin easily can create new products and manage orders.




In collaboration with Büro A+O I developed the new blog for the furniture house Strebel. The innovative store wanted to have a digital platform to write about current furniture trends and to present their designers aka Young Design Rebels.

I developed on the basis of WordPress a simple blog which mainly uses the standard blog functionalities but for which I have programmed a tailor-made costume so that the website is just as individual as the store.




In collaboration with Kargo I developed for christmas sale a coffee configurator for Adrianos.

For the popular and innovative Berner Café Adrianos I programmed a web application. With buttons, controllers and color selection the user could create a personalized coffee with its own dedication, color and roasting.


Roger is OFF.


In June 2013 I packed my backpack for 14 months to travel the world. The experiences, impressions and photographs I had during my trip around the world I posted to roger.is/off.Im Juni 2013 packte ich meinen Backpack Rucksack um 14 Monate die Welt zu bereisen. Die gewonnen Erfahrungen, Eindrücke und Fotografien auf meiner Weltreise erzählte ich in meinen Blog roger.is/off.


Regula Roost.


For the swiss photographer Regula Roost I developed the new portfolio website in cooperation with Station . he website is based on WordPress and allows Regula to create and edit the projects independently.




In collaboration with the Zurich based web agency Station I developed the new website for Beldona. The website is based on Drupal and the customer can independently create and edit new collections.




For the Zurich based web agency Station I developed the new portfolio website. Based on the agency’s own CMS, I developed the new website which presents case studies of their projects, the team with specially developed cinemagraphs, as well as the social wall and remote-controlled web cams. The website was awarded with the Webby Award, Awwwards and Best of Swiss Web Award .




Next to my workplace, a colorful river flows through the beautiful capital city of Bern. When viewed from above, the creative windings and twists of the water resemble a master of finding solutions. I often see myself in its beginnings, with a curious enthusiasm for the curves of algorithms and exciting nights full of coding. This enthusiasm soon grew into a passion, which brought me closer to the workings of renowned Swiss web agencies and led me to become an independent web developer and interaction designer in 2014.

Today, I offer bespoke websites and apps based on Laravel and WordPress, and continue to unfold my passion for design with agencies, designers, and start-ups. However, the spirit of discovery in the digital landscape is far from satisfied. My interests are manifold and, like the rushing river next to me, do not come to a standstill.

If you have ideas or a project in mind, I would be delighted to hear from you!

Office days

Monday — Thursday


Websites, Apps, Online-Shops
Backend Systems, Digitization, APIs
Games, Animations, Virtual Reality
Concept, Consulting


HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, SQL, PHP, WebGL
XD, Sketch, Figma, Indesign, Illustrator, Photoshop
Learning: AI, Deep Learning, Spatial Computing and 日本語


Atelier Pol
Atlas Studio
Büro A+0
Format M
Katharina Reidy
Kornhaus Atelier
Manuel Kreuzer
Oh my Studio
Pia Fleischmann
Resort Studio
Sagmeister & Walsh
Salzmann Gertsch


Bieler Fototage
Echtzeit Verlag
ETH Zürich
Fotostiftung Schweiz
ISC Club
Junge Bühne Bern
Kunstmuseum Thun
Ladies Wine & Design
Len Sander
Maxwell Detroit
Swiss Red Cross
University Zurich
We Love Aarau
Züri West
Zurich Tourism


Design: Lundgren+Lindqvist
Text: Pia Fleischmann
Font: Maison Neue, Milieu Grotesque

→ Imprint
→ Privacy Policy
→ AGB’s

© Copyright: Roger Burkhard, 2022. All rights reserved.


Grids by Algorithms

A small after-hour script which I programmed based on P5JS to manipulate the versatility of grids. The script adds more randomness and number of lines every 1500 milliseconds. Pretty 😵 however! Check it out


As a Japanese design enthusiast I recently I received the new book from Taiwanese designer Wang Zhi-Hong called “The Thirteen People Who Build the Graphic Culture of Contemporary Japan” or 建構視覺文化的13人 and frankly it blows me away how beautiful even the packaging and cover of this book is!


In the next 2 weeks I’m enjoying together with Pia the Digital Nomadism in Vienna. We work for our clients in Co-Working Spaces and Cafés and try to visit all the cool places the city has to offer in our free time.


In mathematics, a Voronoi diagram is a partitioning of a plane into regions based on distance to points in a specific subset of the plane. That set of points is specified beforehand, and for each seed there is a corresponding region consisting of all points closer to that seed than to any other. These regions are called Voronoi cells.
Here’s my experiment.

Algorithms + Design.

Perlin Noise is a type of gradient noise developed by Ken Perlin in 1983 as a result of his frustration with the “machine-like” look of computer graphics at the time. He formally described his findings in a SIGGRAPH paper in 1985 called An image Synthesizer. In 1997, Perlin was awarded an Academy Award for Technical Achievement for creating the algorithm.

Nya - にゃ.

As some of you already know I’ve been learning Japanese for quite some time now. And because I felt in love with the language, typography and Japanese Design as a whole I try, of course, to play, experiment and have fun with the newly learned words and characters as much as possible! ツ

Pizza + Type.

There are those cold rainy nights where you just want to sit at home, order a pizza and program something cool! Nerd Factor 10* – I know.. haha! Check out the result here.

Game of Life

The Game of Life, also known simply as Life, is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970.

Dreaming Friends.

Dreaming Friends is a small personal series of posters in which I visually explore the subject of 漢字 (Japanese Kanji).

Milieu Grotesque.

The Portuguese type foundry Milieu Grotesque has featured my branding which has been realized with their typeface “Maison Neue”. Obrigada!

KOLT N° 100.

KOLT Magazine celebrates its 100th edition and let those people write the stories who have shaped, created and inspired the magazine in the past 9 years. Happy to be part of this journey!
Cheers on the next 100 issues! 🍻



A few months ago I started to learn Japanese and especially the syllabic scripts Hiragana and Katakana are very inviting to create some typographic experiments 

North East.

Excited to see that the branding project for Studio Sansano — designed by Atelier Pol and coded by myself is featured in the Japanese Design Blog North East. Domo Arrigato!

New envelopes.

Happy to show you my new long pocket envelopes designed by Lundgren+Lindqvist. The envelope has abstract crops of the brand marque and are silkscreened in black and silver.

Truly Nordic.

Happy to announce that my Branding which was created by the Swedish Design Studio Lundgren+Lindqvist is featured in Victionary’s new Book Truly Nordic.


I‘ve just spent a few days in the beautiful city of Copenhagen. While I visited my love Pia who lived and worked here the last few weeks I had as well the chance to experience super-friendly people, cozy cafés, functional design and great food or just – “Hygge” as they call it here.

Complimentary Cards.

The complimentary cards designed by Lundgren+Lindqvist have now been photographed and published by Göteborgstryckerie.

Brutalist Websites.

Happy to announce that the Website for Frame Optik in collaboration with Manuel Kreuzer was featured on Brutalist Websites.

Sagmeister & Walsh

Today I had the pleasure to visit the Studio of Sagmeister & Walsh in New York to discuss a project we are currently working on.

Studio with a garden.

The last weeks we have turned our studio upside down! On the one hand to make room for new tenants, and on the other hand to fulfill our dream of a green studio garden. The plants bring a dose of comfort and nature in our otherwise very digital workplace. Superlike!


Just spent the last few days in Helsinki and I must admit – I love the city! Such a relaxed vibe, friendly people and nice spots. This photo is from an Art Installation by Margrethe Odgaard at the Designmuseo Helsinki.

A2 Letter #0

Happy to be a part of this project! Already at the end of July A2 Letter issue #0 by Chrissy Angliker will be sent to the first subscribers – and onwards September biweekly inspiration in your mailbox – analog, haptic, always different.

Contemporary Art Taipei

During my visit to Taipei a visit to MOCA could not be missed. Particularly exciting was the exhibition “Zero-Gravity Paradise” by Kawaguchi Yoichiro who creates 3D scenes based on algorithms.

Design Made in Taiwan.

The Japanese influence, the structure and geometry is found in many hostels, shops and cafes. One of the highlights during my trip through Taiwan was definitely the Star Hostel in Taipei.

New Branding!

Yeah! After almost three years of self-employment, several designs and a trip to Sweden I finally hold it my hands – my new Identity. Here you will find the Case Study from Lundgren+Lindqvist.

Anako Lodge.

Superhappy to have discovered this place! In the small village of La Forclaz, the architecture studio Anako has found it’s very own intepretation of a modern Mayen. The perfect place to escape the urban hustle.

Züri West

Proud to be part of this adventure! Last night at midnight I went live with the new website for one of the most famous swiss folk rock bands. After that I celebrated with Kargo and the Band in the city!


This weekend I visited the first time Strasbourg in France and the city is a real gem! The many small streets, restaurants and their architecture invite you to linger and enjoy.

Virtual Reality.

Hell yeah, we were exploring the virtual space in the first swiss VR-Center! My cool looking Neighbor? Andy from Büro A+O.

Urbanized Snow Landscape.

Form, Color and Geometry of the urban Snow Landscape in Bern.

Good Morning Sweden.

While I was working in Sweden I took the chance to visit the beautiful islands next to Gothenborg.

Hej Göteborg!

I’m really happy to announce that I’m currently working with the sweden based agency Lundgren+Lindqvist on my new branding. So I decided to move my workspace to Gothenburg this week.

Atelier Mood.

After travelling one month in South America I am happy to be back in my Co-Work Atelier Wasserwerk.


Bolivia is a wonderful and adventerous country. These pictures are from the hike to the 5’500m Cerro Negro.

Hello South America!

After finishing some pretty big projects I will now travelling for 1 month in South America – Reboot.

2 Years!

Exactly 2 years ago I started my journey as an independent Web Developer. Just crazy and amazing what happend the last two years! I’m still on fire and love what I’m doing!

Hello Latvia.

This weekend I explored Riga in Latvia with my friends. A true gem and full of nice restaurants, parks and cafés.


Every year during summertime there is in the Landesmuseum Zurich the event Rundfunk.fm – a great place to dance, drink and chillout.

Gurten Festival

The biggest Music Festival in Bern – thanks to Formel3 this time with a nice bird’s-eye view from the VIP tent.

Hello VR.

VR Headset I brought to play around with Virtual Reality Applications for the Web! Yes!

Bonobo in Paris.

Just spent an amazing weekend in Paris to see Bonobo and visit the city.

Palais de Tokyo.

Palais de Tokyo is impressive. Not only because of its magnificent building but also because of it’s modern art.

Powder Day in the Alps.
Winter Wonderland.

Beautiful Winter Hike with my buddy Thierry in the french part of Switzerland Creux de Vin.

After Work Sounds.

This evening we had some beers in our Co-Work and Tom and Kasi from Unlocked played some Techno tunes.

Touch Board.

Today I received a pretty cool gift from my girlfriend Pia – a Touch Board from Bare Conductive. Let’s play!

Summer vs Winter.

Inspiration and nature during a Winter Hike in the Swiss Alps around Zermatt.

AW Xmas Party

Right before Christmas we transformed our Co-Work to a Techno Club. Awesome night!

Atelier Wasserwerk.

New office at Atelier Wasserwerk. A Co-Working Space with independent photographers, designers and programmers.


This weekend I travelled with my girlfriend to Berlin. Such a cool and inspiring city – definitely want to return!

First Office.

After 2 months of working freelance in Zurich, Aarau, at home and in Cafés I finally found my very first office.
Hey Kargo!

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Privacy Policy.


I am very delighted that you have shown interest in my enterprise. Data protection is of a particularly high priority for me. The use of the Internet pages of Roger Burkhard is possible without any indication of personal data; however, if a data subject wants to use special enterprise services via my website, processing of personal data could become necessary. If the processing of personal data is necessary and there is no statutory basis for such processing, I generally obtain consent from the data subject.

The processing of personal data, such as the name, address, e-mail address, or telephone number of a data subject shall always be in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and in accordance with the country-specific data protection regulations of Switzerland. By means of this data protection declaration, my enterprise would like to inform the general public of the nature, scope, and purpose of the personal data I collect, use and process. Furthermore, data subjects are informed, by means of this data protection declaration, of the rights to which they are entitled.

As the controller, I have implemented numerous technical and organizational measures to ensure the most complete protection of personal data processed through this website. However, Internet-based data transmissions may in principle have security gaps, so absolute protection may not be guaranteed. For this reason, every data subject is free to transfer personal data to us via alternative means, e.g. by telephone.

1. Definitions

The data protection declaration of Roger Burkhards based on the terms used by the European legislator for the adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). My data protection declaration should be legible and understandable for the general public, as well as my customers and business partners. To ensure this, I would like to first explain the terminology used.

In this data protection declaration, I use, inter alia, the following terms:

  • a)    Personal data

    Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”). An identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

  • b) Data subject

    Data subject is any identified or identifiable natural person, whose personal data is processed by the controller responsible for the processing.

  • c)    Processing

    Processing is any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.

  • d)    Restriction of processing

    Restriction of processing is the marking of stored personal data with the aim of limiting their processing in the future.

  • e)    Profiling

    Profiling means any form of automated processing of personal data consisting of the use of personal data to evaluate certain personal aspects relating to a natural person, in particular to analyse or predict aspects concerning that natural person’s performance at work, economic situation, health, personal preferences, interests, reliability, behaviour, location or movements.

  • f)     Pseudonymisation

    Pseudonymisation is the processing of personal data in such a manner that the personal data can no longer be attributed to a specific data subject without the use of additional information, provided that such additional information is kept separately and is subject to technical and organisational measures to ensure that the personal data are not attributed to an identified or identifiable natural person.

  • g)    Controller or controller responsible for the processing

    Controller or controller responsible for the processing is the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data; where the purposes and means of such processing are determined by Union or Member State law, the controller or the specific criteria for its nomination may be provided for by Union or Member State law.

  • h)    Processor

    Processor is a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which processes personal data on behalf of the controller.

  • i)      Recipient

    Recipient is a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or another body, to which the personal data are disclosed, whether a third party or not. However, public authorities which may receive personal data in the framework of a particular inquiry in accordance with Union or Member State law shall not be regarded as recipients; the processing of those data by those public authorities shall be in compliance with the applicable data protection rules according to the purposes of the processing.

  • j)      Third party

    Third party is a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or body other than the data subject, controller, processor and persons who, under the direct authority of the controller or processor, are authorised to process personal data.

  • k)    Consent

    Consent of the data subject is any freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of the data subject’s wishes by which he or she, by a statement or by a clear affirmative action, signifies agreement to the processing of personal data relating to him or her.

2. Name and Address of the controller

Controller for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), other data protection laws applicable in Member states of the European Union and other provisions related to data protection is:


Roger Burkhard
Waisenhausplatz 30
3011 Bern
E-Mail: hello@rogerburkhard.com
Website: https://rogerburkhard.com

Vat No. CHE-338.487.971

3. Cookies

The Internet pages of Roger Burkhard use cookies. Cookies are text files that are stored in a computer system via an Internet browser.

Many Internet sites and servers use cookies. Many cookies contain a so-called cookie ID. A cookie ID is a unique identifier of the cookie. It consists of a character string through which Internet pages and servers can be assigned to the specific Internet browser in which the cookie was stored. This allows visited Internet sites and servers to differentiate the individual browser of the dats subject from other Internet browsers that contain other cookies. A specific Internet browser can be recognized and identified using the unique cookie ID.

Through the use of cookies, the Roger Burkhard can provide the users of this website with more user-friendly services that would not be possible without the cookie setting.

By means of a cookie, the information and offers on my website can be optimized with the user in mind. Cookies allow us, as previously mentioned, to recognize our website users. The purpose of this recognition is to make it easier for users to utilize our website. The website user that uses cookies, e.g. does not have to enter access data each time the website is accessed, because this is taken over by the website, and the cookie is thus stored on the user’s computer system. Another example is the cookie of a shopping cart in an online shop. The online store remembers the articles that a customer has placed in the virtual shopping cart via a cookie as well as the selected language based on your browser setting.

The data subject may, at any time, prevent the setting of cookies through my website by means of a corresponding setting of the Internet browser used, and may thus permanently deny the setting of cookies. Furthermore, already set cookies may be deleted at any time via an Internet browser or other software programs. This is possible in all popular Internet browsers. If the data subject deactivates the setting of cookies in the Internet browser used, not all functions of our website may be entirely usable.

4. Collection of general data and information

The website of Roger Burkhard collects a series of general data and information when a data subject or automated system calls up the website. This general data and information are stored in the server log files. Collected may be (1) the browser types and versions used, (2) the operating system used by the accessing system, (3) the website from which an accessing system reaches my website (so-called referrers), (4) the sub-websites, (5) the date and time of access to the Internet site, (6) an Internet protocol address (IP address), (7) the Internet service provider of the accessing system, and (8) any other similar data and information that may be used in the event of attacks on my information technology systems.

When using these general data and information, Roger Burkhard does not draw any conclusions about the data subject. Rather, this information is needed to (1) deliver the content of my website correctly, (2) optimize the content of my website as well as its advertisement, (3) ensure the long-term viability of my information technology systems and website technology, and (4) provide law enforcement authorities with the information necessary for criminal prosecution in case of a cyber-attack. Therefore, Roger Burkhard analyzes anonymously collected data and information statistically, with the aim of increasing the data protection and data security of my enterprise, and to ensure an optimal level of protection for the personal data I process. The anonymous data of the server log files are stored separately from all personal data provided by a data subject.

5. Routine erasure and blocking of personal data

The data controller shall process and store the personal data of the data subject only for the period necessary to achieve the purpose of storage, or as far as this is granted by the European legislator or other legislators in laws or regulations to which the controller is subject to.

If the storage purpose is not applicable, or if a storage period prescribed by the European legislator or another competent legislator expires, the personal data are routinely blocked or erased in accordance with legal requirements.

6. Rights of the data subject

  • a) Right of confirmation

    Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator to obtain from the controller the confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him or her are being processed. If a data subject wishes to avail himself of this right of confirmation, he or she may, at any time, contact me.

  • b) Right of access

    Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator to obtain from the controller free information about his or her personal data stored at any time and a copy of this information. Furthermore, the European directives and regulations grant the data subject access to the following information:

    • the purposes of the processing;
    • the categories of personal data concerned;
    • the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be disclosed, in particular recipients in third countries or international organisations;
    • where possible, the envisaged period for which the personal data will be stored, or, if not possible, the criteria used to determine that period;
    • the existence of the right to request from the controller rectification or erasure of personal data, or restriction of processing of personal data concerning the data subject, or to object to such processing;
    • the existence of the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority;
    • where the personal data are not collected from the data subject, any available information as to their source;
    • the existence of automated decision-making, including profiling, referred to in Article 22(1) and (4) of the GDPR and, at least in those cases, meaningful information about the logic involved, as well as the significance and envisaged consequences of such processing for the data subject.

    Furthermore, the data subject shall have a right to obtain information as to whether personal data are transferred to a third country or to an international organisation. Where this is the case, the data subject shall have the right to be informed of the appropriate safeguards relating to the transfer.

    If a data subject wishes to avail himself of this right of access, he or she may, at any time, contact me.

  • c) Right to rectification

    Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator to obtain from the controller without undue delay the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning him or her. Taking into account the purposes of the processing, the data subject shall have the right to have incomplete personal data completed, including by means of providing a supplementary statement.

    If a data subject wishes to exercise this right to rectification, he or she may, at any time, contact me.

  • d) Right to erasure (Right to be forgotten)

    Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator to obtain from the controller the erasure of personal data concerning him or her without undue delay, and the controller shall have the obligation to erase personal data without undue delay where one of the following grounds applies, as long as the processing is not necessary:

    • The personal data are no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed.
    • The data subject withdraws consent to which the processing is based according to point (a) of Article 6(1) of the GDPR, or point (a) of Article 9(2) of the GDPR, and where there is no other legal ground for the processing.
    • The data subject objects to the processing pursuant to Article 21(1) of the GDPR and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing, or the data subject objects to the processing pursuant to Article 21(2) of the GDPR.
    • The personal data have been unlawfully processed.
    • The personal data must be erased for compliance with a legal obligation in Union or Member State law to which the controller is subject.
    • The personal data have been collected in relation to the offer of information society services referred to in Article 8(1) of the GDPR.

    If one of the aforementioned reasons applies, and a data subject wishes to request the erasure of personal data stored by Roger Burkhard, he or she may, at any time, contact me. I will promptly ensure that the erasure request is complied with immediately.

    Where the controller has made personal data public and is obliged pursuant to Article 17(1) to erase the personal data, the controller, taking account of available technology and the cost of implementation, shall take reasonable steps, including technical measures, to inform other controllers processing the personal data that the data subject has requested erasure by such controllers of any links to, or copy or replication of, those personal data, as far as processing is not required. I will arrange the necessary measures in individual cases.

  • e) Right of restriction of processing

    Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator to obtain from the controller restriction of processing where one of the following applies:

    • The accuracy of the personal data is contested by the data subject, for a period enabling the controller to verify the accuracy of the personal data.
    • The processing is unlawful and the data subject opposes the erasure of the personal data and requests instead the restriction of their use instead.
    • The controller no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of the processing, but they are required by the data subject for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.
    • The data subject has objected to processing pursuant to Article 21(1) of the GDPR pending the verification whether the legitimate grounds of the controller override those of the data subject.

    If one of the aforementioned conditions is met, and a data subject wishes to request the restriction of the processing of personal data stored by Roger Burkhard, he or she may at any time contact me. I will arrange the restriction of the processing.

  • f) Right to data portability

    Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator, to receive the personal data concerning him or her, which was provided to a controller, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format. He or she shall have the right to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance from the controller to which the personal data have been provided, as long as the processing is based on consent pursuant to point (a) of Article 6(1) of the GDPR or point (a) of Article 9(2) of the GDPR, or on a contract pursuant to point (b) of Article 6(1) of the GDPR, and the processing is carried out by automated means, as long as the processing is not necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller.

    Furthermore, in exercising his or her right to data portability pursuant to Article 20(1) of the GDPR, the data subject shall have the right to have personal data transmitted directly from one controller to another, where technically feasible and when doing so does not adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.

    In order to assert the right to data portability, the data subject may at any time contact Roger Burkhard.

  • g) Right to object

    Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator to object, on grounds relating to his or her particular situation, at any time, to processing of personal data concerning him or her, which is based on point (e) or (f) of Article 6(1) of the GDPR. This also applies to profiling based on these provisions.

    Roger Burkhard shall no longer process the personal data in the event of the objection, unless I can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject, or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

    If Roger Burkhard processes personal data for direct marketing purposes, the data subject shall have the right to object at any time to processing of personal data concerning him or her for such marketing. This applies to profiling to the extent that it is related to such direct marketing. If the data subject objects to Roger Burkhard to the processing for direct marketing purposes, Roger Burkhard will no longer process the personal data for these purposes.

    In addition, the data subject has the right, on grounds relating to his or her particular situation, to object to processing of personal data concerning him or her by Roger Burkhard for scientific or historical research purposes, or for statistical purposes pursuant to Article 89(1) of the GDPR, unless the processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out for reasons of public interest.

    In order to exercise the right to object, the data subject may contact me. In addition, the data subject is free in the context of the use of information society services, and notwithstanding Directive 2002/58/EC, to use his or her right to object by automated means using technical specifications.

  • h) Automated individual decision-making, including profiling

    Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning him or her, or similarly significantly affects him or her, as long as the decision (1) is not is necessary for entering into, or the performance of, a contract between the data subject and a data controller, or (2) is not authorised by Union or Member State law to which the controller is subject and which also lays down suitable measures to safeguard the data subject’s rights and freedoms and legitimate interests, or (3) is not based on the data subject’s explicit consent.

    If the decision (1) is necessary for entering into, or the performance of, a contract between the data subject and a data controller, or (2) it is based on the data subject’s explicit consent, Roger Burkhard shall implement suitable measures to safeguard the data subject’s rights and freedoms and legitimate interests, at least the right to obtain human intervention on the part of the controller, to express his or her point of view and contest the decision.

    If the data subject wishes to exercise the rights concerning automated individual decision-making, he or she may, at any time, contact Roger Burkhard.

  • i) Right to withdraw data protection consent

    Each data subject shall have the right granted by the European legislator to withdraw his or her consent to processing of his or her personal data at any time.

    If the data subject wishes to exercise the right to withdraw the consent, he or she may, at any time, contact Roger Burkhard.

7. Data protection provisions about the application and use of Google Analytics (with anonymization function)

On this website, I have integrated the component of Google Analytics (with the anonymizer function). Google Analytics is a web analytics service. Web analytics is the collection, gathering, and analysis of data about the behavior of visitors to websites. A web analysis service collects, inter alia, data about the website from which a person has come (the so-called referrer), which sub-pages were visited, or how often and for what duration a sub-page was viewed. Web analytics are mainly used for the optimization of a website and in order to carry out a cost-benefit analysis of Internet advertising.

The operator of the Google Analytics component is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043-1351, United States.

For the web analytics through Google Analytics I use the application “_gat. _anonymizeIp”. By means of this application the IP address of the Internet connection of the data subject is abridged by Google and anonymised when accessing my websites from a Member State of the European Union or another Contracting State to the Agreement on the European Economic Area.

The purpose of the Google Analytics component is to analyze the traffic on my website. Google uses the collected data and information, inter alia, to evaluate the use of my website and to provide online reports, which show the activities on my websites, and to provide other services concerning the use of our Internet site for me.

Google Analytics places a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. The definition of cookies is explained above. With the setting of the cookie, Google is enabled to analyze the use of my website. With each call-up to one of the individual pages of this Internet site, which is operated by the controller and into which a Google Analytics component was integrated, the Internet browser on the information technology system of the data subject will automatically submit data through the Google Analytics component for the purpose of online advertising and the settlement of commissions to Google. During the course of this technical procedure, the enterprise Google gains knowledge of personal information, such as the IP address of the data subject, which serves Google, inter alia, to understand the origin of visitors and clicks, and subsequently create commission settlements.

The cookie is used to store personal information, such as the access time, the location from which the access was made, and the frequency of visits of my website by the data subject. With each visit to my Internet site, such personal data, including the IP address of the Internet access used by the data subject, will be transmitted to Google in the United States of America. These personal data are stored by Google in the United States of America. Google may pass these personal data collected through the technical procedure to third parties.

The data subject may, as stated above, prevent the setting of cookies through my website at any time by means of a corresponding adjustment of the web browser used and thus permanently deny the setting of cookies. Such an adjustment to the Internet browser used would also prevent Google Analytics from setting a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. In addition, cookies already in use by Google Analytics may be deleted at any time via a web browser or other software programs.

In addition, the data subject has the possibility of objecting to a collection of data that are generated by Google Analytics, which is related to the use of this website, as well as the processing of this data by Google and the chance to preclude any such. For this purpose, the data subject must download a browser add-on under the link https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout and install it. This browser add-on tells Google Analytics through a JavaScript, that any data and information about the visits of Internet pages may not be transmitted to Google Analytics. The installation of the browser add-ons is considered an objection by Google. If the information technology system of the data subject is later deleted, formatted, or newly installed, then the data subject must reinstall the browser add-ons to disable Google Analytics. If the browser add-on was uninstalled by the data subject or any other person who is attributable to their sphere of competence, or is disabled, it is possible to execute the reinstallation or reactivation of the browser add-ons.

Further information and the applicable data protection provisions of Google may be retrieved under https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/ and under http://www.google.com/analytics/terms/us.html. Google Analytics is further explained under the following Link https://www.google.com/analytics/.

8. Legal basis for the processing

Art. 6(1) lit. a GDPR serves as the legal basis for processing operations for which we obtain consent for a specific processing purpose. If the processing of personal data is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party, as is the case, for example, when processing operations are necessary for the supply of goods or to provide any other service, the processing is based on Article 6(1) lit. b GDPR. The same applies to such processing operations which are necessary for carrying out pre-contractual measures, for example in the case of inquiries concerning our products or services. Is our company subject to a legal obligation by which processing of personal data is required, such as for the fulfillment of tax obligations, the processing is based on Art. 6(1) lit. c GDPR.
In rare cases, the processing of personal data may be necessary to protect the vital interests of the data subject or of another natural person. This would be the case, for example, if a visitor were injured in our company and his name, age, health insurance data or other vital information would have to be passed on to a doctor, hospital or other third party. Then the processing would be based on Art. 6(1) lit. d GDPR.
Finally, processing operations could be based on Article 6(1) lit. f GDPR. This legal basis is used for processing operations which are not covered by any of the abovementioned legal grounds, if processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by our company or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of personal data. Such processing operations are particularly permissible because they have been specifically mentioned by the European legislator. He considered that a legitimate interest could be assumed if the data subject is a client of the controller (Recital 47 Sentence 2 GDPR).

9. The legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party

Where the processing of personal data is based on Article 6(1) lit. f GDPR our legitimate interest is to carry out our business in favor of the well-being of all our employees and the shareholders.

10. Period for which the personal data will be stored

The criteria used to determine the period of storage of personal data is the respective statutory retention period. After expiration of that period, the corresponding data is routinely deleted, as long as it is no longer necessary for the fulfillment of the contract or the initiation of a contract.

11. Provision of personal data as statutory or contractual requirement; Requirement necessary to enter into a contract; Obligation of the data subject to provide the personal data; possible consequences of failure to provide such data

I clarify that the provision of personal data is partly required by law (e.g. tax regulations) or can also result from contractual provisions (e.g. information on the contractual partner).

Sometimes it may be necessary to conclude a contract that the data subject provides me with personal data, which must subsequently be processed by me. The data subject is, for example, obliged to provide me with personal data when I sign a contract with him or her. The non-provision of the personal data would have the consequence that the contract with the data subject could not be concluded.

Before personal data is provided by the data subject, the data subject must contact me. I clarify to the data subject whether the provision of the personal data is required by law or contract or is necessary for the conclusion of the contract, whether there is an obligation to provide the personal data and the consequences of non-provision of the personal data.

12. Existence of automated decision-making

As a responsible company, I do not use automatic decision-making or profiling.



Roger Burkhard
Waisenhausplatz 30
3011 Bern
E-Mail: hello@rogerburkhard.com

Vat. CHE-338.487.971

To ensure fast and efficient processing of your enquiries, recommendations or hints please write me an Email.

Foundation Paul Boesch.